dslinux/user/pixil/libs/pixlib/platform/ipaq backlight.c calibrate.c ipaq.c powermgmt.c sound_dsp.c sysinfo.c

amadeus dslinux_amadeus at user.in-berlin.de
Tue Oct 3 13:25:31 CEST 2006

Update of /cvsroot/dslinux/dslinux/user/pixil/libs/pixlib/platform/ipaq
In directory antilope:/tmp/cvs-serv11916/libs/pixlib/platform/ipaq

Added Files:
	backlight.c calibrate.c ipaq.c powermgmt.c sound_dsp.c 
Log Message:
adding pristine copy of pixil to HEAD so I can branch from it

--- NEW FILE: calibrate.c ---
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Century Software, Inc.   All Rights Reserved.     
 * This file is part of the PIXIL Operating Environment                 
 * The use, copying and distribution of this file is governed by one    
 * of two licenses, the PIXIL Commercial License, or the GNU General    
 * Public License, version 2.                                           
 * Licensees holding a valid PIXIL Commercial License may use this file 
 * in accordance with the PIXIL Commercial License Agreement provided   
 * with the Software. Others are governed under the terms of the GNU   
 * General Public License version 2.                                    
 * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the  
 * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free        
 * Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included   
 * in the packaging of this file.                                      
 * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING  
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                                  
 * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND                                             
 * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to      
 * restriction as set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(b) of the Rights in     
 * Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DAR 7-104.9(a).       
 * See http://www.pixil.org/gpl/ for GPL licensing       
 * information.                                                         
 * See http://www.pixil.org/license.html or              
 * email cetsales at centurysoftware.com for information about the PIXIL   
 * Commercial License Agreement, or if any conditions of this licensing 
 * are not clear to you.                                                

/* Feature test switches */

/* System header files */
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>

/* Local header files */
#include <h3600_ts.h>
#include <pixlib/pixlib.h>

/* Typedef, macros, enum/struct/union defintions */
#define					CAL_GETX(f,p)		(((f) == 0) ? ((p).x) : ((p).y))
#define					CAL_GETY(f,p)		(((f) == 0) ? ((p).y) : ((p).x))

#define					CAL_FLAGS_EHAND		0x01	/* Exit handler has been registered */
#define					CAL_FLAGS_DEVOPEN	0X02	/* Device file has been opened */

#define					CAL_DFLT_DEVNAME	"/dev/h3600_tsraw"	/* Default FQPN of the device file */
#define					CAL_MAX_SAMPLE		5
#define					CAL_NUM_CTRLPTS		5
#define					CAL_OFFVAL1			30
#define					CAL_OFFVAL2			50

/* Global scope variables */

/* Local scope variables */
static char *devname;		/* Device name */
static unsigned char cal_flags = 0;	/* Global flags variable */
static int devfd = -1,		/* Device file descriptor */
  rotated = 1,			/* Default to the color ipaq */
  screen_h,			/* Screen height */
  screen_w;			/* Screen width */

/* Static function prototypes */
static void cal_ExitHandler(void);
static int cal_OpenDev();

--	Static function definitions

**	Function:	void cal_ExitHandler()
**	Desc:		Exit handler for this module, responsible for  closing the
**				file descriptor
**	Accepts:	Nothing (void)
**	Returns:	Nothing (void)
static void
    /* Close the open file descriptor for the device */
    if ((cal_flags & CAL_FLAGS_DEVOPEN) && devfd > -1)

}				/* end of cal_ExitHandler() */

**	Function:	int cal_OpenDev()
**	Desc:		Opens the device file and sets up the appropriate global flags
**				to handle clean up.
**	Accepts:	Nothing (void)
**	Returns:	int; >= 0 the fd, or -1 on error
static int
    int fd = -1;		/* File descriptor to pass back */

    /* Check the environment variable to see if we are overriding the default device file */
    if ((devname = getenv("CAL_DEVICE")) == NULL)
	devname = CAL_DFLT_DEVNAME;

    if ((fd = open(devname, O_RDONLY)) != -1) {
	cal_flags |= CAL_FLAGS_DEVOPEN;
	if (!(cal_flags & CAL_FLAGS_EHAND)) {
	    if (atexit(cal_ExitHandler) == 0)
		cal_flags |= CAL_FLAGS_EHAND;
	}			/* end of if */
    /* end of if */
    return (fd);
}				/* end of cal_OpenDev() */

--	External function definitions

**	Function:	int pix_cal_GetCtrlPts()
**	Desc:		Gets the calibration control points for this device
**	Accepts:	int *npts = Ptr to storage for number of poitns
**				CalPt_t **ctrldata = Ptr to Ptr of address to dynamically allocate
**									 memory
**				int w = screen width
**				int h = screen height
**				int bpp = Bits per pixel
**	Returns:	int; 0 on success -1 on error
pix_cal_GetCtrlPts(int *npts, CalPt_t ** ctrldata, int w, int h, int bpp)
    /* Assign the memory */
    if (ctrldata == NULL)
	return (-1);

    /* We are allocating CAL_NUM_CTRLPTS */
    if ((*ctrldata =
	 (CalPt_t *) calloc(CAL_NUM_CTRLPTS, sizeof(CalPt_t))) == NULL)
	return (-1);
    if (npts)

    /* Determine the rotation */

       ** NOTE: This is a big time hack...Apparently the B/W ipaqs are rotated 180 degrees
       ** from their color counterparts...
    if (bpp == 4)
	rotated = 2;

    if (rotated) {
	screen_w = h;
	screen_h = w;
    } /* end of if */
    else {
	screen_w = w;
	screen_h = h;
    }				/* end of else */

    (*ctrldata)[0].x = CAL_OFFVAL1;
    (*ctrldata)[0].y = CAL_OFFVAL1;
    (*ctrldata)[1].x = screen_w - CAL_OFFVAL2 - 1;
    (*ctrldata)[1].y = CAL_OFFVAL2;
    (*ctrldata)[2].x = CAL_OFFVAL2;
    (*ctrldata)[2].y = screen_h - CAL_OFFVAL2 - 1;
    (*ctrldata)[3].x = screen_w - CAL_OFFVAL1 - 1;
    (*ctrldata)[3].y = screen_h - CAL_OFFVAL1 - 1;
    (*ctrldata)[4].x = screen_w / 2;
    (*ctrldata)[4].y = screen_h / 2;

    return (0);
}				/* end of pix_cal_GetCtrlPts() */

**	Function:	int pix_cal_GetDrawpt()
**	Desc:		Gets the draw points (based on any rotation that is necessary)
**	Accepts:	CalPt_t *ctrlpt = Ptr to the Control point
**				CalPt_t *drawpt = Ptr to the storage for draw point
**	Returns:	int; 0 on success, -1 on error
pix_cal_GetDrawPt(CalPt_t * ctrlpt, CalPt_t * drawpt)
    if (ctrlpt == NULL || drawpt == NULL)
	return (-1);

    if (rotated == 1) {
	/* This is the color ipaq */
	drawpt->x = ctrlpt->y;
	drawpt->y = screen_w - ctrlpt->x;
    } /* end of if */
    else if (rotated == 2) {
	/* This is the gray-scale ipaq */
	drawpt->x = screen_h - ctrlpt->y;
	drawpt->y = screen_w - (screen_w - ctrlpt->x);
    } /* end of else if */
    else {
	/* No rotation necessary */
	drawpt->x = ctrlpt->x;
	drawpt->y = ctrlpt->y;
    }				/* end of else */

    return (0);
}				/* end of pix_cal_GetDrawPt() */

**	Function:	int pix_cal_GetDataPt()
**	Desc:		Gets the raw data (point data) from the device file and stores
**				it into the CalPt_t structure passed in
**	Accepts:	CalPt_t *ptdata = Ptr to storage of x/y coordinates
**	Returns:	int; 0 on successful read, -1 on error
pix_cal_GetDataPt(CalPt_t * ptdata)
    int nsample = 0,		/* Current number of samples received */
      rc = 0,			/* Result code */
      rdsz;			/* read size */
    CalPt_t cur_data = { 0, 0 };	/* Current data */
    TS_EVENT ts_ev;		/* Event structure */

       ** Determine if the device needs to be opened (this will only happen the first
       ** time this function is called
    if (!(cal_flags & CAL_FLAGS_DEVOPEN) || devfd == -1) {
	if ((devfd = cal_OpenDev()) == -1)
	    return (devfd);

    /* end of if */
    /* Get CAL_MAX_SAMPLE samples to average out */
    while (1) {
	rdsz = 0;
	while (rdsz < sizeof(TS_EVENT)) {
	    if ((rc = read(devfd, &ts_ev, sizeof(TS_EVENT))) == -1) {
		if (errno == EINTR)
	    }			/* end of if */
	    rdsz += rc;
	}			/* end of if */

	/* Again, check for error condition */
	if (rc == -1)

	printf("DATA[%d] %d, %d, %d\n", nsample, ts_ev.x, ts_ev.y,

	if (ts_ev.pressure == 0 && nsample > CAL_MAX_SAMPLE) {
	} /* end of if */
	else if (ts_ev.x >= 0 && ts_ev.y >= 0) {
	       ** The if conditional was added 10/29/01 -- JMW, because holding down the stylus
	       ** would cause erroneous readings due to pressure variance....If this isn't the 
	       ** case, please correct me....
	       x             */
	    if (nsample <= CAL_MAX_SAMPLE) {
		cur_data.x += ts_ev.x;
		cur_data.y += ts_ev.y;
	    }			/* end of if */
	}			/* end of else-if */
    }				/* end of while */

    if (nsample) {
	cur_data.x /= nsample;
	cur_data.y /= nsample;
	memcpy(ptdata, &cur_data, sizeof(CalPt_t));
    /* end of if */
    return ((nsample == 0) ? -1 : 0);
}				/* end of pix_cal_GetDataPtr() */

**	Function:	int pix_cal_Calibrate()
**	Desc:		ipaq calibration routine which calculates the calibration values
**				based on the control and user specific data points
**	Accepts:	int npts = Number of control/data points to process
**				CalPt_t *ctrldata = Array of npts control points
**				CalPt_t *userdata = Array of npts user points
**	Returns:	int; 0 on success, -1 on error, PIXLIB_STUB_VAL for a stubbed
**				function.
pix_cal_Calibrate(int npts, CalPt_t * ctrldata, CalPt_t * userdata)
    int x, y, dx, dy, flag;
    int xscale0, xscale1, xtrans0, xtrans1;
    int yscale0, yscale1, ytrans0, ytrans1;
    int xyswap, xraw, yraw;
    TS_CAL new_cal;		/* Calibration values to send to kernel */

    flag = 0;

    /* See if the device file needs to be opened */
    if (!(cal_flags & CAL_FLAGS_DEVOPEN) || devfd == -1) {
	if ((devfd = cal_OpenDev()) == -1) {
	    printf("Unable to open device!\n");
	    return (devfd);

    /* end of if */
    /* Calculate ABS(x1-x0) */
    dx = ((x = userdata[1].x - userdata[0].x) < 0 ? -x : x);
    dy = ((y = userdata[1].y - userdata[0].y) < 0 ? -y : y);
    /* CF

       (0,0) --------->Y
       X        +-------+---------------+-
       |        |       |               |
       V        |       |xa0,ya0        |
       +-------O---------------+ --
       |        |               | dx or dy
       +-------+---------------O --
       ^        |       |               | xa1,ya1
       |        |       |               |
       Y        +-------+---------------+
       (0,0) -------->X

       Work out where the origin is, either at the TLH or BLH corners.
       Initialise xp such that it points to the array containing the X coords
       Initialise yp such that it points to the array containing the Y coords
    if (dx < dy) {
	xyswap = 1;
    } else {
	xyswap = 0;

    xraw = CAL_GETX(xyswap, userdata[4]);
    yraw = CAL_GETY(xyswap, userdata[4]);

       We have MAX_CAL_POINTS sets of x,y coordinates.

       If we plot Xcal against Xraw we get two equations, each of a straight
       line. One for the Xcoord and the other for the Y coord.
       This line models the linear characteristics of the ts A/D

       Xcal = m*Xraw + Cx
       Ycal = m*Yraw + Cy

       X/Ycal is the calibrated coord which is the pixel pos on the screen.
       X/Yraw is the uncalibrated X coord.
       m is the xscale ( gradient of line)
       Cx/y is the trans (constant)

       'm' can be got by calculating the gradient between two data points
       Example Xscale0 = (Xcal1 - Xcal0 ) / (Xraw1 - Xraw0)

       trans = Xcal - mXraw
       What is actualy done is to take the Ave of two measurements
       Example  Xtrans0 = ( (Xcal0 - mXraw0) + (Xcal3 - mXraw3) ) / 2

       We repeat the above procedure to calculate 
       Yscale0 and Ytrans0 and repeat the whole lot again using two
       new data indexes 1 and 2 giving 4 new variables
       Xscale1, Xtrans1, Yscale1,Ytrans1, making a total of eight.

       The final calibration variables are the average of data ponts 
       0,3 and 1,2
       xscale = (Xscale0 + Xscale1) / 2
       yscale = (Yscale0 + Yscale1) / 2
       xtrans = (Xtrans0 + Xtrans1) /2
       ytrans = (Ytrans0 + Ytrans1) /2

    xscale0 = ((ctrldata[0].x - ctrldata[3].x) << 8) /
	(CAL_GETX(xyswap, userdata[0]) - CAL_GETX(xyswap, userdata[3]));

    xtrans0 =
	((ctrldata[0].x - ((CAL_GETX(xyswap, userdata[0]) * xscale0) >> 8)) +
	 (ctrldata[3].x -
	  ((CAL_GETX(xyswap, userdata[3]) * xscale0) >> 8))) / 2;

    yscale0 = ((ctrldata[0].y - ctrldata[3].y) << 8) /
	(CAL_GETY(xyswap, userdata[0]) - CAL_GETY(xyswap, userdata[3]));

    ytrans0 =
	((ctrldata[0].y - ((CAL_GETY(xyswap, userdata[0]) * yscale0) >> 8)) +
	 (ctrldata[3].y -
	  ((CAL_GETY(xyswap, userdata[3]) * yscale0) >> 8))) / 2;

    xscale1 = ((ctrldata[1].x - ctrldata[2].x) << 8) /
	(CAL_GETX(xyswap, userdata[1]) - CAL_GETX(xyswap, userdata[2]));

    xtrans1 =
	((ctrldata[1].x - ((CAL_GETX(xyswap, userdata[1]) * xscale1) >> 8)) +
	 (ctrldata[2].x -
	  ((CAL_GETX(xyswap, userdata[2]) * xscale1) >> 8))) / 2;

    yscale1 = ((ctrldata[1].y - ctrldata[2].y) << 8) /
	(CAL_GETY(xyswap, userdata[1]) - CAL_GETY(xyswap, userdata[2]));

    ytrans1 =
	((ctrldata[1].y - ((CAL_GETY(xyswap, userdata[1]) * yscale1) >> 8))
	 + (ctrldata[2].y -
	    ((CAL_GETY(xyswap, userdata[2]) * yscale1) >> 8))) / 2;

    new_cal.xscale = (xscale0 + xscale1) / 2;
    new_cal.xtrans = (xtrans0 + xtrans1) / 2;
    new_cal.yscale = (yscale0 + yscale1) / 2;
    new_cal.ytrans = (ytrans0 + ytrans1) / 2;
    new_cal.xyswap = xyswap;
#ifdef FOO
    new_cal.yscale = (xscale0 + xscale1) / 2;
    new_cal.ytrans = (xtrans0 + xtrans1) / 2;
    new_cal.xscale = (yscale0 + yscale1) / 2;
    new_cal.xtrans = (ytrans0 + ytrans1) / 2;
    new_cal.xyswap = xyswap;

    /* Now check it with center coords */
    printf("CHECK with Center Coords (160,120): xraw=%d yraw=%d\n", xraw,
    x = ((new_cal.xscale * xraw) >> 8) + new_cal.xtrans;
    y = ((new_cal.yscale * yraw) >> 8) + new_cal.ytrans;
    printf("CHECK: x(center)=%d y(center)=%d\n", x, y);

    /* store this calibration in the device */
    if (ioctl(devfd, TS_SET_CAL, (void *) &new_cal) != 0) {
	perror("TS_SET_CALIBRATION ioctl fail\n");
	return -1;

    printf("SET %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",
	   new_cal.xscale, new_cal.yscale, new_cal.xtrans, new_cal.ytrans,

    printf("Set the calibration\n");
    return 0;
}				/* end of pix_cal_Calibrate() */

--- NEW FILE: powermgmt.c ---
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Century Software, Inc.   All Rights Reserved.     
 * This file is part of the PIXIL Operating Environment                 
 * The use, copying and distribution of this file is governed by one    
 * of two licenses, the PIXIL Commercial License, or the GNU General    
 * Public License, version 2.                                           
 * Licensees holding a valid PIXIL Commercial License may use this file 
 * in accordance with the PIXIL Commercial License Agreement provided   
 * with the Software. Others are governed under the terms of the GNU   
 * General Public License version 2.                                    
 * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the  
 * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free        
 * Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included   
 * in the packaging of this file.                                      
 * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING  
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                                  
 * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND                                             
 * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to      
 * restriction as set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(b) of the Rights in     
 * Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DAR 7-104.9(a).       
 * See http://www.pixil.org/gpl/ for GPL licensing       
 * information.                                                         
 * See http://www.pixil.org/license.html or              
 * email cetsales at centurysoftware.com for information about the PIXIL   
 * Commercial License Agreement, or if any conditions of this licensing 
 * are not clear to you.                                                

/* Feature test switches */

/* System header files */
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

/* Local header files */
#include <pixlib/pixlib.h>

/* Typedef, macros, enum/struct/union definitions */
typedef struct
    char ldrvr_v[4 + 1], bios_v[4 + 1], metric[4 + 1];
    unsigned char apmflg, linests, batsts, batflg;
    int batper, batunit;

/* Global scope variables */

/* File scope variables */

/* Static function prototypes */
static int parseApm(apm_values_t * apmval);

**	Static function definitions

**	Function:	static int parseApm()
**	Desc:		Reads the /proc/apm file and fills in the apm_values_t struct
**	Accepts:	apm_values_t *apmval = Ptr to the struct to fill in
**	Returns:	int; 0 on success, -1 on error
static int
parseApm(apm_values_t * apmval)
    int apmflg, batsts, batflg, linests, retval = -1;	/* Return value */
    char apmbuf[255];		/* Buffer */
    FILE *fin;			/* File ptr */

    if (apmval == NULL)
	return (retval);

    if ((fin = fopen("/proc/apm", "r")) == NULL)
	return (retval);

    /* Get the first line */
    if (fgets(apmbuf, sizeof(apmbuf), fin) != NULL) {
	sscanf(apmbuf, "%s %s %i %i %i %i %d%*c %d %s", apmval->ldrvr_v,
	       apmval->bios_v, &apmflg, &linests, &batsts, &batflg,
	       &apmval->batper, &apmval->batunit, apmval->metric);
	apmval->apmflg = (unsigned char) apmflg;
	apmval->linests = (unsigned char) linests;
	apmval->batsts = (unsigned char) batsts;
	apmval->batflg = (unsigned char) batflg;
	retval = 0;
    /* end of if */

    return (retval);
}				/* end of parseApm() */

**	Externally callable function definitions

**	Function:	int pix_pwr_getbat()
**	Desc:		Returns the current battery level from the device
**	Acecpts:	int flags = Flag indicating how to return the value;
**					PWR_BAT_PERCENT = return as a percent (int)
**					PWR_BAT_SECONDS = return as # of seconds remaining
**	Returns:	int; value as described (>= 0), -1 on unknown, PIXLIB_STUB_VAL
**					for stubbed functions
pix_pwr_getbat(int flags)
    int retval = -1;		/* Return value */
    apm_values_t apmval;	/* Apm values from the device */

    /* get data from /proc/apm */
    if (parseApm(&apmval) != -1 && apmval.linests == 0x00) {
	if (flags == PWR_BAT_PERCENT) {
	    retval = apmval.batper;
	} /* end of if */
	else {
	    if (!memcmp(apmval.metric, "min", 3))
		retval = apmval.batunit * 60;
	    else if (!memcmp(apmval.metric, "sec", 3))
		retval = apmval.batunit;
		retval = -1;
	}			/* end of else */
    /* end of if */
    return (retval);
}				/* end of pix_pwr_getbat() */

**	Function:	int pix_pwr_isCharging()
**	Desc:		Attempts to determine if the device's battery is charging
**	Accepts:	Nothing (void)
**	Returns:	int; 1 for charging, 0 for not charging, -1 on unknown, PIXLIB_STUB_VAL
**					if stubbed
    int retval = 0;		/* Default to Not Charging */
    apm_values_t apmval;	/* Apm values */

    if (parseApm(&apmval) != -1 && apmval.batflg != 0x80) {
	if (apmval.batsts == 0x03 || apmval.batflg == 0x03) {
	    /* Battery is charging */
	    retval = 1;
	}			/* end of if */
    /* end of if */
    return (retval);
}				/* end of pix_pwr_isCharging() */

**	Function:	int pix_pwr_OnBattery()
**	Desc:		Determines if the device is on batter power
**	Accepts:	Nothing (void)
**	Returns:	int; 1 for on battery, 0 on line power, -1 on unknown, PIXLIB_STUB_VAL
**					if stubbed.
    int retval = -1;		/* Default to unknown */
    apm_values_t apmval;	/* apm values */

    if (parseApm(&apmval) != -1) {
	if (apmval.linests == 0x00)
	    retval = 1;
	else if (apmval.linests == 0xff)
	    retval = -1;
	    retval = 0;
    /* end of if */
    return (retval);
}				/* end of pix_pwr_onBattery() */

/* Bitch at Jordan because he was too lazy to do the sript path

#define PIXIL_SUSPEND_SCRIPT "/usr/pixil/share/scripts/pixil_suspend.sh"

    int retval = system(PIXIL_SUSPEND_SCRIPT);
    if (retval == 127 || retval == -1)
	return -1;
	return 0;

--- NEW FILE: sound_dsp.c ---
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Century Software, Inc.   All Rights Reserved.     
 * This file is part of the PIXIL Operating Environment                 
 * The use, copying and distribution of this file is governed by one    
 * of two licenses, the PIXIL Commercial License, or the GNU General    
 * Public License, version 2.                                           
 * Licensees holding a valid PIXIL Commercial License may use this file 
 * in accordance with the PIXIL Commercial License Agreement provided   
 * with the Software. Others are governed under the terms of the GNU   
 * General Public License version 2.                                    
 * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the  
 * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free        
 * Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included   
 * in the packaging of this file.                                      
 * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING  
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                                  
 * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND                                             
 * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to      
 * restriction as set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(b) of the Rights in     
 * Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DAR 7-104.9(a).       
 * See http://www.pixil.org/gpl/ for GPL licensing       
 * information.                                                         
 * See http://www.pixil.org/license.html or              
 * email cetsales at centurysoftware.com for information about the PIXIL   
 * Commercial License Agreement, or if any conditions of this licensing 
 * are not clear to you.                                                

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/soundcard.h>

#include <pixlib/pixlib.h>
#include <sound_dsp.h>

#define AUDIO_FILE "/dev/dsp"

/* This array ties the PIXIO_MIXER defines to the */
/* LINUX defines */

static int pix_io2linux_values[PIXIO_MIXER_COUNT] = {

static int
OpenAudioDevice(int direction)
    int omode;
    int fd;

    if (direction == PIXIO_PLAY) {
	printf("set mode wronly\n");
	omode = O_WRONLY;
    } else

    fd = open(AUDIO_FILE, omode, 0);

    if (fd == -1)

    return (fd);

dspOpenStream(int direction, pix_io_audio_t * settings)
    int err = PIXIO_ERROR;
    int tmp, bsize;
    int fd;

    fd = OpenAudioDevice(direction);

    if (fd < 0)
	return (err);

    /* Sync the device */
    if (ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC, NULL) < 0) {
	perror("OPEN_STREAM (SYNC)");
	goto exit_dspOpenStream;

    /* Set the sample size */
    tmp = settings->sample;

    ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SAMPLESIZE, &tmp);

    settings->speed = settings->speed / 2;
    if (tmp != settings->sample) {
	/* Failure - Try setting it to 16 bits */
	tmp = 16;
	ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SAMPLESIZE, &tmp);
	if (tmp != 16) {
	    perror("OPEN_STREAM (SIZE)");
	    goto exit_dspOpenStream;

    /* Set the sample rate */
    printf("speed [%d]\n", settings->speed);
    if (ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &settings->speed) < 0) {
	perror("OPEN_STREAM (SPEED)");
	goto exit_dspOpenStream;

    /* Finally, set the stereo setting */
    if (settings->stereo)
	if (ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO, &settings->stereo) < 0)
	    settings->stereo = 0;

    /* Last step, grab the block size and return it to the caller */
    /* Get the biggest block we can read */

    bsize = -1;
    ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE, &bsize);

    if (bsize < 4 || bsize > 65536) {
	if (bsize == -1) {
	    perror("OPEN_STREAM (BLOCKSIZE)");
	    goto exit_dspOpenStream;
	bsize = 1024;

    settings->blocksize = bsize;
    err = PIXIO_OK;
    return (fd);

    if (fd >= 0)

    return (err);

static int
    int fd;

    fd = open("/dev/mixer", O_RDWR);

    if (fd == -1)

    return (fd);

static unsigned long
read_mixer(int device)
    int mixer = 0;
    int level = -1;

    if ((mixer = open_mixer()) == -1)
	return (-1);

    if (ioctl(mixer, MIXER_READ(device), &level) == -1) {
	perror("MIXER_READ (IOCTL)");
	level = -1;

    return (level);

static int
write_mixer(int device, unsigned int level)
    int err = -1;
    int mixer = 0;

    if ((mixer = open_mixer()) == -1)
	return (-1);

    if (ioctl(mixer, MIXER_WRITE(device), &level) == -1) {
	perror("MIXER_WRITE (IOCTL)");
	err = -1;
    } else
	err = 0;

    return (err);

mixer_set_level(int device, pix_io_level_t * level)
    int linux_device;
    unsigned int set_level;

    if (device > PIXIO_MIXER_COUNT)
	linux_device = pix_io2linux_values[device];

    set_level = (level->right + level->left) / 2;

    if (write_mixer(linux_device, (unsigned int) set_level) == -1)
	return (PIXIO_ERROR);
	return (PIXIO_OK);

mixer_get_level(int device, pix_io_level_t * level)
    int linux_device;
    int levelin;
    int l, r;

    if (device > PIXIO_MIXER_COUNT)
	linux_device = pix_io2linux_values[device];

    if ((levelin = read_mixer(linux_device)) == -1)
	return (PIXIO_ERROR);

    l = levelin;
    r = (levelin >> 8);

    level->left = l;
    level->right = r;

    return (PIXIO_OK);

--- NEW FILE: sysinfo.c ---
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Century Software, Inc.   All Rights Reserved.     
 * This file is part of the PIXIL Operating Environment                 
 * The use, copying and distribution of this file is governed by one    
 * of two licenses, the PIXIL Commercial License, or the GNU General    
 * Public License, version 2.                                           
 * Licensees holding a valid PIXIL Commercial License may use this file 
 * in accordance with the PIXIL Commercial License Agreement provided   
 * with the Software. Others are governed under the terms of the GNU   
 * General Public License version 2.                                    
 * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the  
 * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free        
 * Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included   
 * in the packaging of this file.                                      
 * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING  
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                                  
 * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND                                             
 * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to      
 * restriction as set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(b) of the Rights in     
 * Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DAR 7-104.9(a).       
 * See http://www.pixil.org/gpl/ for GPL licensing       
 * information.                                                         
 * See http://www.pixil.org/license.html or              
 * email cetsales at centurysoftware.com for information about the PIXIL   
 * Commercial License Agreement, or if any conditions of this licensing 
 * are not clear to you.                                                

/* Feature test switches */

/* System header files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Local header files */
#include <pixlib/pixlib.h>

/* Typedef, macro, enum/struct/union definitions */

/* Global scope variables */

/* File scope variables */

/* Static function prototypes */

**	Static function definitions

**	External function definitions

**	Function:	int pix_sys_cpuinfo()
**	Desc:		Parses /proc/cpu info and organizes the data in a system independant
**				way
**	Accepts:	pixCpuInfo_t *pcpu = Ptr to the cpu info
**	Returns:	int; 0 on success, -1 on error
pix_sys_cpuinfo(pixCpuInfo_t * pcpu)
    char buffer[512],		/* Buffer */
    int rc = -1;		/* Return code */
    FILE *fp;			/* File pointer */

    /* Validate the incoming arguments */
    if (pcpu == NULL)
	return (rc);

    if ((fp = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")) == NULL)
	return (rc);

       ** Start parsing the file.  The only fields that are interesting are 
       ** Processor.
    while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
	char *cp;
	int len = strlen(buffer);

	if (buffer[len - 1] == '\n')
	    buffer[--len] = '\0';

	/* Set up cp to point to the data */
	if ((cp = strchr(buffer, ':')) == NULL)
	if (!memcmp(buffer, "Processor", 9)) {
	    cp += 2;		/* Skip the space */
	    strcpy(model_name, cp);
	}			/* end of if */
    }				/* end of while */

    if (rc > -1) {
	sprintf(pcpu->cpu, "%s", model_name);
	rc = 0;
    /* end of if */
    return (rc);
}				/* end of pix_sys_cpuinfo() */

--- NEW FILE: backlight.c ---
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Century Software, Inc.   All Rights Reserved.     
 * This file is part of the PIXIL Operating Environment                 
 * The use, copying and distribution of this file is governed by one    
 * of two licenses, the PIXIL Commercial License, or the GNU General    
 * Public License, version 2.                                           
 * Licensees holding a valid PIXIL Commercial License may use this file 
 * in accordance with the PIXIL Commercial License Agreement provided   
 * with the Software. Others are governed under the terms of the GNU   
 * General Public License version 2.                                    
 * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the  
 * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free        
 * Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included   
 * in the packaging of this file.                                      
 * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING  
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                                  
 * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND                                             
 * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to      
 * restriction as set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(b) of the Rights in     
 * Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DAR 7-104.9(a).       
 * See http://www.pixil.org/gpl/ for GPL licensing       
 * information.                                                         
 * See http://www.pixil.org/license.html or              
 * email cetsales at centurysoftware.com for information about the PIXIL   
 * Commercial License Agreement, or if any conditions of this licensing 
 * are not clear to you.                                                

/* System header files */
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>

/* Local header files */
#include <pixlib/pixlib.h>
#include <h3600_ts.h>

/* Typedef, macros, enum/struct/union definitions */

/* Global scope variables */

/* File scope variables */
unsigned char f_maxval = 255;	/* Maximum backlight value */

/* Static function prototypes */

**	Static function definitions

**	Externally callable function definitions 

**	Function:	int pix_bl_ctrl()
**	Desc:		Controls the backlight settings on the iPAQ
**	Accepts:	int pwr = Power settings (0 = off, 1 = on)
**				int level = Brightness level (0 - f_maxval) will be clamped
**	Returns:	int; 0 on success, -1 on error (with errno being set)
pix_bl_ctrl(int pwr, int level)
    int bl_fd,			/* Backlight filedescriptor */
      retval = -1;		/* Return val */
    FLITE_IN bl;		/* iPAQ backlight struct */

    /* Open the device */
    if ((bl_fd = open("/dev/h3600_tsraw", O_RDWR)) == -1)
	return (retval);

    /* Set everything */
    bl.mode = (unsigned char) FLITE_MODE1;
    bl.pwr = ((pwr != 0) ? (unsigned char) FLITE_PWR_ON :
	      (unsigned char) FLITE_PWR_OFF);
    if (level < 0)
	bl.brightness = 0;
    else if (level > f_maxval)
	bl.brightness = (unsigned char) f_maxval;
	bl.brightness = (unsigned char) level;

    retval = ioctl(bl_fd, FLITE_ON, (void *) &bl);


    return (retval);
}				/* end of pix_bl_ctrl() */

**	Function:	int pix_bl_getmxval()
**	Desc:		Returns the maximum backlite value supported by hardware for the
**				given platform (default is 255)
**	Accepts:	Nothing (void)
**	Returns:	int; >= 0 on success, -1 on error
    return (f_maxval);
}				/* end of bl_getmxval() */

--- NEW FILE: ipaq.c ---
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Century Software, Inc.   All Rights Reserved.     
 * This file is part of the PIXIL Operating Environment                 
 * The use, copying and distribution of this file is governed by one    
 * of two licenses, the PIXIL Commercial License, or the GNU General    
 * Public License, version 2.                                           
 * Licensees holding a valid PIXIL Commercial License may use this file 
 * in accordance with the PIXIL Commercial License Agreement provided   
 * with the Software. Others are governed under the terms of the GNU   
 * General Public License version 2.                                    
 * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the  
 * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free        
 * Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included   
 * in the packaging of this file.                                      
 * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING  
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                                  
 * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND                                             
 * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to      
 * restriction as set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(b) of the Rights in     
 * Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DAR 7-104.9(a).       
 * See http://www.pixil.org/gpl/ for GPL licensing       
 * information.                                                         
 * See http://www.pixil.org/license.html or              
 * email cetsales at centurysoftware.com for information about the PIXIL   
 * Commercial License Agreement, or if any conditions of this licensing 
 * are not clear to you.                                                

/* System header files */

/* Local header files */
#include <pixlib/pixlib.h>

/* Typedef, macros, enum/struct/union definitions */

/* Global scope variables */

/* Local scope variables */
static unsigned long f_capmask = (PIX_HW_BACKLIGHT | PIX_HW_CALIBRATION | PIX_HW_POWER_MGMT);	/* capability mask for the iPAQ platform */

/* Static function prototypes */

**	Static function definitions

**	Extern function definitions

**	Function:	int pix_PDSupprt()
**	Desc:		Determines if the given platform support the specified capabilites
**	Accepts:	int capability = Flag for a given capability
**	Returns:	int; 0 = not supported, non-zero for capabilties supported
pix_PDSupport(int capability)
    return (capability & f_capmask);
}				/* end of pix_PDSupport() */

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