dslinux/user/perl/t/lib 1_compile.t NoExporter.pm TieIn.pm TieOut.pm commonsense.t compmod.pl contains_pod.xr cygwin.t filter-util.pl h2ph.h h2ph.pht

cayenne dslinux_cayenne at user.in-berlin.de
Mon Dec 4 18:01:51 CET 2006

Update of /cvsroot/dslinux/dslinux/user/perl/t/lib
In directory antilope:/tmp/cvs-serv17422/t/lib

Added Files:
	1_compile.t NoExporter.pm TieIn.pm TieOut.pm commonsense.t 
	compmod.pl contains_pod.xr cygwin.t filter-util.pl h2ph.h 
Log Message:
Adding fresh perl source to HEAD to branch from

--- NEW FILE: NoExporter.pm ---
package NoExporter;

$VERSION = 1.02;
sub import { 
    die "NoExporter exports nothing.  You asked for: @_" if @_;


--- NEW FILE: TieIn.pm ---
package TieIn;

    bless( \(my $scalar), $_[0]);

sub write {
    my $self = shift;
    $$self .= join '', @_;

    my $self = shift;
    $$self =~ s/^(.*\n?)//;
    return $1;

sub EOF {
    my $self = shift;
    return !length $$self;


--- NEW FILE: filter-util.pl ---

use strict ;
use warnings;

use vars qw( $Perl $Inc);

sub readFile
    my ($filename) = @_ ;
    my ($string) = '' ;

    open (F, "<$filename") 
	or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
    while (<F>)
      { $string .= $_ }
    close F ;
    $string ;

sub writeFile
    my($filename, @strings) = @_ ;
    open (F, ">$filename") 
	or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
    binmode(F) if $filename =~ /bin$/i;
    foreach (@strings)
      { print F }
    close F or die "Could not close: $!" ;

sub ok
    my($number, $result, $note) = @_ ;
    $note = "" if ! defined $note ;
    if ($note) {
        $note = "# $note" if $note !~ /^\s*#/ ;
        $note =~ s/^\s*/ / ;

    print "not " if !$result ;
    print "ok ${number}${note}\n";

$Inc = '' ;
foreach (@INC)
 { $Inc .= "\"-I$_\" " }
$Inc = "-I::lib" if $^O eq 'MacOS';

$Perl = '' ;
$Perl = ($ENV{'FULLPERL'} or $^X or 'perl') ;

$Perl = "$Perl -MMac::err=unix" if $^O eq 'MacOS';
$Perl = "$Perl -w" ;


--- NEW FILE: h2ph.pht ---
require '_h2ph_pre.ph';

no warnings 'redefine';

unless(defined(&SQUARE)) {
    sub SQUARE {
	my($x) = @_;
	eval q((($x)*($x)));
unless(defined(&ERROR)) {
    eval 'sub ERROR {
        my($x) = @_;
	    eval q( &fprintf( &stderr, \\"%s\\\\n\\", $x->[2][3][0]));
    }' unless defined(&ERROR);
unless(defined(&_H2PH_H_)) {
    eval 'sub _H2PH_H_ () {1;}' unless defined(&_H2PH_H_);
    # "$Revision h2ph.h,v 1.0 98/05/04 20:42:14 billy $"
    undef(&MAX) if defined(&MAX);
    eval 'sub MAX {
        my($a,$b) = @_;
	    eval q((($a) > ($b) ? ($a) : ($b)));
    }' unless defined(&MAX);
    if(defined(&__SOME_UNIMPORTANT_PROPERTY)) {
	eval 'sub MIN {
	    my($a,$b) = @_;
    	    eval q((($a) < ($b) ? ($a) : ($b)));
	}' unless defined(&MIN);
    if(!(defined (defined(&__SOMETHING_MORE_IMPORTANT) ? &__SOMETHING_MORE_IMPORTANT : 0))) {
	die("Nup, can't go on");
    } else {
	eval 'sub EVERYTHING_IS_OK () {1;}' unless defined(&EVERYTHING_IS_OK);
    undef(&WHATEVER) if defined(&WHATEVER);
    if((!((defined (defined(&__SOMETHING_TRIVIAL) ? &__SOMETHING_TRIVIAL : 0)  && defined (defined(&__SOMETHING_LESS_SO) ? &__SOMETHING_LESS_SO : 0))) || defined (defined(&__SOMETHING_OVERPOWERING) ? &__SOMETHING_OVERPOWERING : 0))) {
	eval 'sub WHATEVER () {6;}' unless defined(&WHATEVER);
 elsif(!(defined (defined(&__SOMETHING_TRIVIAL) ? &__SOMETHING_TRIVIAL : 0)) ) {
	eval 'sub WHATEVER () {7;}' unless defined(&WHATEVER);
 elsif(!(defined (defined(&__SOMETHING_LESS_SO) ? &__SOMETHING_LESS_SO : 0)) ) {
	eval 'sub WHATEVER () {8;}' unless defined(&WHATEVER);
    } else {
	eval 'sub WHATEVER () {1000;}' unless defined(&WHATEVER);
    require 'sys/socket.ph';
    require 'sys/ioctl.ph';
    eval {
	my(%INCD) = map { $INC{$_} => 1 } (grep { $_ eq "sys/fcntl.ph" } keys(%INC));
	@REM = map { "$_/sys/fcntl.ph" } (grep { not exists($INCD{"$_/sys/fcntl.ph"}) and -f "$_/sys/fcntl.ph" } @INC);
	require "$REM[0]" if @REM;
    warn($@) if $@;
    eval("sub sun () { 0; }") unless defined(&sun);
    eval("sub mon () { 1; }") unless defined(&mon);
    eval("sub tue () { 2; }") unless defined(&tue);
    eval("sub wed () { 3; }") unless defined(&wed);
    eval("sub thu () { 4; }") unless defined(&thu);
    eval("sub fri () { 5; }") unless defined(&fri);
    eval("sub sat () { 6; }") unless defined(&sat);
    eval("sub Sun () { 0; }") unless defined(&Sun);
    eval("sub Mon () { 1; }") unless defined(&Mon);
    eval("sub Tue () { 2; }") unless defined(&Tue);
    eval("sub Wed () { 3; }") unless defined(&Wed);
    eval("sub Thu () { 4; }") unless defined(&Thu);
    eval("sub Fri () { 5; }") unless defined(&Fri);
    eval("sub Sat () { 6; }") unless defined(&Sat);
    unless(defined(&_SOMETHING_TRIGRAPHIC)) {
	eval 'sub _SOMETHING_TRIGRAPHIC () {1;}' unless defined(&_SOMETHING_TRIGRAPHIC);
	eval 'sub SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_0 () {"|";}' unless defined(&SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_0);
	eval 'sub SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_1 () {"^";}' unless defined(&SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_1);
	eval 'sub SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_2 () {"[";}' unless defined(&SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_2);
	eval 'sub SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_3 () {"]";}' unless defined(&SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_3);
	eval 'sub SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_4 () {"~0";}' unless defined(&SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_4);
	eval 'sub SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_5 () {"\\ ";}' unless defined(&SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_5);
	eval 'sub SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_6 () {"{";}' unless defined(&SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_6);
	eval 'sub SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_7 () {"#";}' unless defined(&SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_7);
	eval 'sub SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_8 () {"}";}' unless defined(&SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_8);
    if(1) {
    eval("sub flim () { 0; }") unless defined(&flim);
    eval("sub flam () { 1; }") unless defined(&flam);
    eval 'sub multiline () {"multilinestring";}' unless defined(&multiline);

--- NEW FILE: 1_compile.t ---

# Modules should have their own tests.  For historical reasons, some
# do not.  This does basic compile tests on modules that have no tests
# of their own.

    chdir 't';
    @INC = '../lib';

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec::Functions;

# Okay, this is the list.

my @Core_Modules = grep /\S/, <DATA>;
chomp @Core_Modules;

if (eval { require Socket }) {
  push @Core_Modules, qw(Net::Domain);
  # Two Net:: modules need the Convert::EBCDIC if in EBDCIC.
  if (ord("A") != 193 || eval { require Convert::EBCDIC }) {
      push @Core_Modules, qw(Net::Cmd Net::POP3);
if(eval { require B }) {
  push @Core_Modules, qw(B::C B::CC B::Stackobj);

@Core_Modules = sort @Core_Modules;

print "1..".(1+ at Core_Modules)."\n";

my $message
  = "ok 1 - All modules should have tests # TODO Make Schwern Poorer\n";
if (@Core_Modules) {
  print "not $message";
} else {
  print $message;
print <<'EOREWARD';
# http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/perl5-porters/2001-04/msg01223.html
# 20010421230349.P2946 at blackrider.blackstar.co.uk

my $test_num = 2;

foreach my $module (@Core_Modules) {
    my $todo = '';
    $todo = "# TODO $module needs porting on $^O" if $module eq 'ByteLoader' && $^O eq 'VMS';
    print "# $module compile failed\nnot " unless compile_module($module);
    print "ok $test_num $todo\n";

# We do this as a separate process else we'll blow the hell
# out of our namespace.
sub compile_module {
    my ($module) = $_[0];

    my $compmod = catfile(curdir(), 'lib', 'compmod.pl');
    my $lib     = '-I' . catdir(updir(), 'lib');

    my $out = scalar `$^X $lib $compmod $module`;
    print "# $out";
    return $out =~ /^ok/;

# These modules have no tests of their own.
# Keep up to date with
# http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/cgi-bin/perl-qa-wiki.cgi?UntestedModules
# and vice-versa.  The list should only shrink.

--- NEW FILE: contains_pod.xr ---
=head1 foo

bar baz.


--- NEW FILE: commonsense.t ---

chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
require Config; import Config;
if (($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\b(DB|[A-Z]DBM)_File\b/) ){
  print "Bail out! Perl configured without DB_File or [A-Z]DBM_File\n";
  exit 0;
if (($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bFcntl\b/) ){
  print "Bail out! Perl configured without Fcntl module\n";
  exit 0;
if (($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bIO\b/) ){
  print "Bail out! Perl configured without IO module\n";
  exit 0;
# hey, DOS users do not need this kind of common sense ;-)
if ($^O ne 'dos' && ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bFile\/Glob\b/) ){
  print "Bail out! Perl configured without File::Glob module\n";
  exit 0;

print "1..1\nok 1\n";

--- NEW FILE: compmod.pl ---

    chdir 't';
    @INC = '../lib';

my $module = shift;

# 'require open' confuses Perl, so we use instead.
eval "use $module ();";
if( $@ ) {
    print "not ";
    $@ =~ s/\n/\n# /g;
    warn "# require failed with '$@'\n";
print "ok - $module\n";

--- NEW FILE: h2ph.h ---
 * Test header file for h2ph
 * Try to test as many constructs as possible
 * For example, the multi-line comment :)

/* And here's a single line comment :) */

/* Test #define with no indenting, over multiple lines */
#define SQUARE(x) \

/* Test #ifndef and parameter interpretation*/
#ifndef ERROR
#define ERROR(x) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", x[2][3][0])
#endif /* ERROR */

#ifndef _H2PH_H_
#define _H2PH_H_

/* #ident - doesn't really do anything, but I think it always gets included anyway */
#ident "$Revision h2ph.h,v 1.0 98/05/04 20:42:14 billy $"

/* Test #undef */
#undef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

/* Test #ifdef */
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

 * Test #if, #elif, #else, #endif, #warn and #error, and `!'
 * Also test whitespace between the `#' and the command
#    warn Be careful...
#    error "Nup, can't go on" /* ' /* stupid font-lock-mode */
#    define EVERYTHING_IS_OK

/* Test && and || */
#if (!((defined __SOMETHING_TRIVIAL && defined __SOMETHING_LESS_SO)) \
#    define WHATEVER 6
#elif !(defined __SOMETHING_TRIVIAL) /* defined __SOMETHING_LESS_SO */
#    define WHATEVER 7
#elif !(defined __SOMETHING_LESS_SO) /* defined __SOMETHING_TRIVIAL */
#    define WHATEVER 8
#else /* defined __SOMETHING_TRIVIAL && defined __SOMETHING_LESS_SO */
#    define WHATEVER 1000

/* Test passing through the alien constructs (perlbug #34493) */
function Tru64_Pascal(n: Integer): Integer;

 * Test #include, #import and #include_next
 * #include_next is difficult to test, it really depends on the actual
 *  circumstances - for example, `#include_next <limits.h>' on a Linux system
 *  with `use lib qw(/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/i586-linux/linux);' or whatever
 *  your equivalent is...
#include <sys/socket.h>
#import "sys/ioctl.h"
#include_next <sys/fcntl.h>

/* typedefs should be ignored */
typedef struct a_struct {
  int typedefs_should;
  char be_ignored;
  long as_well;
} a_typedef;

 * however, typedefs of enums and just plain enums should end up being treated
 * like a bunch of #defines...

typedef enum _days_of_week { sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, Sun=0, Mon,
			     Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat } days_of_week;

 * Some moderate flexing of tri-graph pre substitution.
??= define SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_0 "??!"          /* | ??!|  || */
 ??=define SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_1 "??'"          /* | ??'|  ^| */
??= define SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_2 "??("          /* | ??(|  [| */
 ??= define SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_3 "??)"         /* | ??)|  ]| */
??=define SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_4  "??-0"         /* | ??-|  ~| */
	??= define SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_5 "??/ " /* | ??/|  \| */
??= define SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_6 "??<"          /* | ??<|  {| */
??=define SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_7  "??="          /* | ??=|  #| */
??= define SOMETHING_ELSE_TRIGRAPHIC_8 "??>"          /* | ??>|  }| */

// test C++-style comment

#if 1
typdef struct empty_struct {
} // trailing C++-style comment should not force continuation

/* comments (that look like string) inside enums... */

enum {
   /* foo;

enum flimflam {
   /* foo;
 } flamflim;

/* Handle multi-line quoted strings: */
__asm__ __volatile__("

#define multiline "multiline

#endif /* _H2PH_H_ */

--- NEW FILE: TieOut.pm ---
package TieOut;

    my $scalar = '';
    bless( \$scalar, $_[0]);

sub PRINT {
    my $self = shift;
    $$self .= join('', @_);

sub PRINTF {
    my $self = shift;
    my $fmt  = shift;
    $$self .= sprintf $fmt, @_;

sub FILENO {}

sub read {
    my $self = shift;
    my $data = $$self;
    $$self = '';
    return $data;


--- NEW FILE: cygwin.t ---

    chdir 't' if -d 't';
    @INC = ('../lib');
    unless ($^O eq "cygwin") {
	print "1..0 # skipped: cygwin specific test\n";
	exit 0;

use Test::More tests => 4;

is(Cygwin::winpid_to_pid(Cygwin::pid_to_winpid($$)), $$,
   "perl pid translates to itself");

my $parent = getppid;
    skip "test not run from cygwin process", 1 if $parent <= 1;
    is(Cygwin::winpid_to_pid(Cygwin::pid_to_winpid($parent)), $parent,
       "parent pid translates to itself");

my $catpid = open my $cat, "|cat" or die "Couldn't cat: $!";
open my $ps, "ps|" or die "Couldn't do ps: $!";
my ($catwinpid) = map /^.\s+$catpid\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)/, <$ps>;

is(Cygwin::winpid_to_pid($catwinpid), $catpid, "winpid to pid");
is(Cygwin::pid_to_winpid($catpid), $catwinpid, "pid to winpid");

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