dslinux/user/perl/ext/Cwd/t cwd.t taint.t win32.t

cayenne dslinux_cayenne at user.in-berlin.de
Mon Dec 4 17:59:10 CET 2006

Update of /cvsroot/dslinux/dslinux/user/perl/ext/Cwd/t
In directory antilope:/tmp/cvs-serv17422/ext/Cwd/t

Added Files:
	cwd.t taint.t win32.t 
Log Message:
Adding fresh perl source to HEAD to branch from

--- NEW FILE: win32.t ---

    if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
        @INC = '../lib';

use File::Spec;
use lib File::Spec->catdir('t', 'lib');
use Test::More;

if( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
  plan tests => 3;
} else {
  plan skip_all => 'this is not win32';

use Cwd;
ok 1;

my $cdir = getdcwd('C:');
like $cdir, qr{^C:}i;

my $ddir = getdcwd('D:');
if (defined $ddir) {
  like $ddir, qr{^D:}i;
} else {
  # May not have a D: drive mounted
  ok 1;

--- NEW FILE: taint.t ---
#!./perl -Tw
# Testing Cwd under taint mode.

use strict;

    if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = '../lib';
use Cwd;
chdir 't';

use File::Spec;
use lib File::Spec->catdir('t', 'lib');
use Test::More tests => 17;

use Scalar::Util qw/tainted/;

my @Functions = qw(getcwd cwd fastcwd fastgetcwd
                   abs_path fast_abs_path
                   realpath fast_realpath

foreach my $func (@Functions) {
    no strict 'refs';
    my $cwd;
    eval { $cwd = &{'Cwd::'.$func} };
    is( $@, '',		"$func() should not explode under taint mode" );
    ok( tainted($cwd),	"its return value should be tainted" );

# Previous versions of Cwd tainted $^O
is !tainted($^O), 1, "\$^O should not be tainted";

--- NEW FILE: cwd.t ---
#!./perl -w

    if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = '../lib';
use Cwd;
chdir 't';

use strict;
use Config;
use File::Spec;
use File::Path;

use lib File::Spec->catdir('t', 'lib');
use Test::More;
require VMS::Filespec if $^O eq 'VMS';

my $tests = 29;
# _perl_abs_path() currently only works when the directory separator
# is '/', so don't test it when it won't work.
my $EXTRA_ABSPATH_TESTS = ($Config{prefix} =~ m/\//) && $^O ne 'cygwin';
$tests += 4 if $EXTRA_ABSPATH_TESTS;
plan tests => $tests;

  skip "no need to check for blib/ in the core", 1 if $ENV{PERL_CORE};
  like $INC{'Cwd.pm'}, qr{blib}i, "Cwd should be loaded from blib/ during testing";

my $IsVMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
my $IsMacOS = $^O eq 'MacOS';

# check imports
can_ok('main', qw(cwd getcwd fastcwd fastgetcwd));
ok( !defined(&chdir),           'chdir() not exported by default' );
ok( !defined(&abs_path),        '  nor abs_path()' );
ok( !defined(&fast_abs_path),   '  nor fast_abs_path()');

  my @fields = qw(PATH IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV);
  my $before = grep exists $ENV{$_}, @fields;
  my $after = grep exists $ENV{$_}, @fields;
  is($before, $after, "cwd() shouldn't create spurious entries in %ENV");

# XXX force Cwd to bootsrap its XSUBs since we have set @INC = "../lib"
# XXX and subsequent chdir()s can make them impossible to find
eval { fastcwd };

# Must find an external pwd (or equivalent) command.

my $pwd = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? "cmd" : "pwd";
my $pwd_cmd =
    ($^O eq "NetWare") ?
        "cd" :
    ($IsMacOS) ?
        "pwd" :
        (grep { -x && -f } map { "$_/$pwd$Config{exe_ext}" }
	                   split m/$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH})[0];

$pwd_cmd = 'SHOW DEFAULT' if $IsVMS;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
    $pwd_cmd =~ s,/,\\,g;
    $pwd_cmd = "$pwd_cmd /c cd";
$pwd_cmd =~ s=\\=/=g if ($^O eq 'dos');

    skip "No native pwd command found to test against", 4 unless $pwd_cmd;

    print "# native pwd = '$pwd_cmd'\n";

    my ($pwd_cmd_untainted) = $pwd_cmd =~ /^(.+)$/; # Untaint.
    chomp(my $start = `$pwd_cmd_untainted`);

    # Win32's cd returns native C:\ style
    $start =~ s,\\,/,g if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq "NetWare");
    # DCL SHOW DEFAULT has leading spaces
    $start =~ s/^\s+// if $IsVMS;
    SKIP: {
        skip("'$pwd_cmd' failed, nothing to test against", 4) if $?;
        skip("/afs seen, paths unlikely to match", 4) if $start =~ m|/afs/|;

	# Darwin's getcwd(3) (which Cwd.xs:bsd_realpath() uses which
	# Cwd.pm:getcwd uses) has some magic related to the PWD
	# environment variable: if PWD is set to a directory that
	# looks about right (guess: has the same (dev,ino) as the '.'?),
	# the PWD is returned.  However, if that path contains
	# symlinks, the path will not be equal to the one returned by
	# /bin/pwd (which probably uses the usual walking upwards in
	# the path -trick).  This situation is easy to reproduce since
	# /tmp is a symlink to /private/tmp.  Therefore we invalidate
	# the PWD to force getcwd(3) to (re)compute the cwd in full.
	# Admittedly fixing this in the Cwd module would be better
	# long-term solution but deleting $ENV{PWD} should not be
	# done light-heartedly. --jhi
	delete $ENV{PWD} if $^O eq 'darwin';

	my $cwd        = cwd;
	my $getcwd     = getcwd;
	my $fastcwd    = fastcwd;
	my $fastgetcwd = fastgetcwd;

	is($cwd,        $start, 'cwd()');
	is($getcwd,     $start, 'getcwd()');
	is($fastcwd,    $start, 'fastcwd()');
	is($fastgetcwd, $start, 'fastgetcwd()');

my @test_dirs = qw{_ptrslt_ _path_ _to_ _a_ _dir_};
my $Test_Dir     = File::Spec->catdir(@test_dirs);

mkpath([$Test_Dir], 0, 0777);
Cwd::chdir $Test_Dir;

foreach my $func (qw(cwd getcwd fastcwd fastgetcwd)) {
  my $result = eval "$func()";
  is $@, '';
  dir_ends_with( $result, $Test_Dir, "$func()" );

# Cwd::chdir should also update $ENV{PWD}
dir_ends_with( $ENV{PWD}, $Test_Dir, 'Cwd::chdir() updates $ENV{PWD}' );
my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
Cwd::chdir $updir;
print "#$ENV{PWD}\n";
Cwd::chdir $updir;
print "#$ENV{PWD}\n";
Cwd::chdir $updir;
print "#$ENV{PWD}\n";
Cwd::chdir $updir;
print "#$ENV{PWD}\n";
Cwd::chdir $updir;
print "#$ENV{PWD}\n";

rmtree($test_dirs[0], 0, 0);

  my $check = ($IsVMS   ? qr|\b((?i)t)\]$| :
	       $IsMacOS ? qr|\bt:$| :
			  qr|\bt$| );
  like($ENV{PWD}, $check);

  # Make sure abs_path() doesn't trample $ENV{PWD}
  my $start_pwd = $ENV{PWD};
  mkpath([$Test_Dir], 0, 0777);
  is $ENV{PWD}, $start_pwd;
  rmtree($test_dirs[0], 0, 0);

    skip "no symlinks on this platform", 2+$EXTRA_ABSPATH_TESTS unless $Config{d_symlink};

    mkpath([$Test_Dir], 0, 0777);
    symlink $Test_Dir, "linktest";

    my $abs_path      =  Cwd::abs_path("linktest");
    my $fast_abs_path =  Cwd::fast_abs_path("linktest");
    my $want          =  File::Spec->catdir("t", $Test_Dir);

    like($abs_path,      qr|$want$|);
    like($fast_abs_path, qr|$want$|);
    like(Cwd::_perl_abs_path("linktest"), qr|$want$|) if $EXTRA_ABSPATH_TESTS;

    rmtree($test_dirs[0], 0, 0);
    unlink "linktest";

if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
    chdir '../ext/Cwd/t';
    unshift @INC, '../../../lib';

# Make sure we can run abs_path() on files, not just directories
my $path = 'cwd.t';
path_ends_with(Cwd::abs_path($path), 'cwd.t', 'abs_path() can be invoked on a file');
path_ends_with(Cwd::fast_abs_path($path), 'cwd.t', 'fast_abs_path() can be invoked on a file');
path_ends_with(Cwd::_perl_abs_path($path), 'cwd.t', '_perl_abs_path() can be invoked on a file')

$path = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->updir, 't', $path);
path_ends_with(Cwd::abs_path($path), 'cwd.t', 'abs_path() can be invoked on a file');
path_ends_with(Cwd::fast_abs_path($path), 'cwd.t', 'fast_abs_path() can be invoked on a file');
path_ends_with(Cwd::_perl_abs_path($path), 'cwd.t', '_perl_abs_path() can be invoked on a file')

  my $file;
    my $root = Cwd::abs_path(File::Spec->rootdir);	# Add drive letter?
    local *FH;
    opendir FH, $root or skip("Can't opendir($root): $!", 2+$EXTRA_ABSPATH_TESTS);
    ($file) = grep {-f $_ and not -l $_} map File::Spec->catfile($root, $_), readdir FH;
    closedir FH;
  skip "No plain file in root directory to test with", 2+$EXTRA_ABSPATH_TESTS unless $file;
  $file = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($file) if $^O eq 'VMS';
  is Cwd::abs_path($file), $file, 'abs_path() works on files in the root directory';
  is Cwd::fast_abs_path($file), $file, 'fast_abs_path() works on files in the root directory';
  is Cwd::_perl_abs_path($file), $file, '_perl_abs_path() works on files in the root directory'

# These routines give us sort of a poor-man's cross-platform
# directory or path comparison capability.

sub bracketed_form_dir {
  return join '', map "[$_]", 
    grep length, File::Spec->splitdir(File::Spec->canonpath( shift() ));

sub dir_ends_with {
  my ($dir, $expect) = (shift, shift);
  my $bracketed_expect = quotemeta bracketed_form_dir($expect);
  like( bracketed_form_dir($dir), qr|$bracketed_expect$|i, (@_ ? shift : ()) );

sub bracketed_form_path {
  return join '', map "[$_]", 
    grep length, File::Spec->splitpath(File::Spec->canonpath( shift() ));

sub path_ends_with {
  my ($dir, $expect) = (shift, shift);
  my $bracketed_expect = quotemeta bracketed_form_path($expect);
  like( bracketed_form_path($dir), qr|$bracketed_expect$|i, (@_ ? shift : ()) );

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