dslinux/user/perl/lib/Test/Harness/t 00compile.t assert.t base.t callback.t from_line.t harness.t inc_taint.t nonumbers.t ok.t pod.t point-parse.t point.t prove-globbing.t prove-switches.t strap-analyze.t strap.t test-harness.t version.t

cayenne dslinux_cayenne at user.in-berlin.de
Mon Dec 4 18:01:06 CET 2006

Update of /cvsroot/dslinux/dslinux/user/perl/lib/Test/Harness/t
In directory antilope:/tmp/cvs-serv17422/lib/Test/Harness/t

Added Files:
	00compile.t assert.t base.t callback.t from_line.t harness.t 
	inc_taint.t nonumbers.t ok.t pod.t point-parse.t point.t 
	prove-globbing.t prove-switches.t strap-analyze.t strap.t 
	test-harness.t version.t 
Log Message:
Adding fresh perl source to HEAD to branch from

--- NEW FILE: strap.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;

use Test::More tests => 89;

BEGIN { use_ok('Test::Harness::Straps'); }

my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps', 'new()' );

### Testing _is_diagnostic()

my $comment;
ok( !$strap->_is_diagnostic("foo", \$comment), '_is_diagnostic(), not a comment'  );
ok( !defined $comment,                      '  no comment set'              );

ok( !$strap->_is_diagnostic("f # oo", \$comment), '  not a comment with #'     );
ok( !defined $comment,                         '  no comment set'           );

my %comments = (
                "# stuff and things # and stuff"    => 
                                        ' stuff and things # and stuff',
                "    # more things "                => ' more things ',
                "#"                                 => '',

for my $line ( sort keys %comments ) {
    my $line_comment = $comments{$line};
    my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
    isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps' );

    my $name = substr($line, 0, 20);
    ok( $strap->_is_diagnostic($line, \$comment),        "  comment '$name'"   );
    is( $comment, $line_comment,                      '  right comment set' );

### Testing _is_header()

my @not_headers = (' 1..2',

foreach my $unheader (@not_headers) {
    my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
    isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps' );

    ok( !$strap->_is_header($unheader),     
        "_is_header(), not a header '$unheader'" );

    ok( (!grep { exists $strap->{$_} } qw(max todo skip_all)),
        "  max, todo and skip_all are not set" );

my @attribs = qw(max skip_all todo);
my %headers = (
   '1..2'                               => { max => 2 },
   '1..1'                               => { max => 1 },
   '1..0'                               => { max => 0,
                                             skip_all => '',
   '1..0 # Skipped: no leverage found'  => { max      => 0,
                                             skip_all => 'no leverage found',
   '1..4 # Skipped: no leverage found'  => { max      => 4,
                                             skip_all => 'no leverage found',
   '1..0 # skip skip skip because'      => { max      => 0,
                                             skip_all => 'skip skip because',
   '1..10 todo 2 4 10'                  => { max        => 10,
                                             'todo'       => { 2  => 1,
                                                               4  => 1,
                                                               10 => 1,
   '1..10 todo'                         => { max        => 10 },
   '1..192 todo 4 2 13 192 # Skip skip skip because'   => 
                                           { max     => 192,
                                             'todo'    => { 4   => 1, 
                                                            2   => 1, 
                                                            13  => 1, 
                                                            192 => 1,
                                             skip_all => 'skip skip because'

for my $header ( sort keys %headers ) {
    my $expect = $headers{$header};
    my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
    isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps' );

    ok( $strap->_is_header($header),    "_is_header() is a header '$header'" );

    is( $strap->{skip_all}, $expect->{skip_all},      '  skip_all set right' )
      if defined $expect->{skip_all};

    ok( eq_set( [map $strap->{$_},  grep defined $strap->{$_},  @attribs],
                [map $expect->{$_}, grep defined $expect->{$_}, @attribs] ),
        '  the right attributes are there' );

### Test _is_bail_out()

my %bails = (
             'Bail out!'                 =>  undef,
             'Bail out!  Wing on fire.'  => 'Wing on fire.',
             'BAIL OUT!'                 => undef,
             'bail out! - Out of coffee' => '- Out of coffee',

for my $line ( sort keys %bails ) {
    my $expect = $bails{$line};
    my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
    isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps' );

    my $reason;
    ok( $strap->_is_bail_out($line, \$reason), "_is_bail_out() spots '$line'");
    is( $reason, $expect,                       '  with the right reason' );

my @unbails = (
               '  Bail out!',
               'BAIL OUT',
               'ok 23 - BAIL OUT!',

foreach my $line (@unbails) {
    my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
    isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps' );

    my $reason;

    ok( !$strap->_is_bail_out($line, \$reason),  
                                       "_is_bail_out() ignores '$line'" );
    is( $reason, undef,                         '  and gives no reason' );

--- NEW FILE: ok.t ---
-f "core" and unlink "core";
print <<END;
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4

--- NEW FILE: harness.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

    if ( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;

use Test::More tests => 2;

    use_ok( 'Test::Harness' );

my $strap = Test::Harness->strap;
isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps' );

--- NEW FILE: callback.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use Test::More;
use File::Spec;

    use vars qw( %samples );
    %samples = (
            bailout     => [qw( header test test test bailout )],
            combined    => ['header', ('test') x 10],
            descriptive => ['header', ('test') x 5 ],
            duplicates  => ['header', ('test') x 11 ],
            head_end    => [qw( other test test test test 
                                other header other other )],
            head_fail   => [qw( other test test test test
                                other header other other )],
            no_nums     => ['header', ('test') x 5 ],
            out_of_order=> [('test') x 10, 'header', ('test') x 5],
            simple      => [qw( header test test test test test )],
            simple_fail => [qw( header test test test test test )],
            'skip'      => [qw( header test test test test test )],
            skipall     => [qw( header )],
            skipall_nomsg => [qw( header )],
            skip_nomsg  => [qw( header test )],
            taint       => [qw( header test )],
            'todo'      => [qw( header test test test test test )],
            todo_inline => [qw( header test test test )],
            vms_nit     => [qw( header other test test )],
            with_comments => [qw( other header other test other test test
                                  test other other test other )],
    plan tests => 2 + scalar keys %samples;

BEGIN { use_ok( 'Test::Harness::Straps' ); }

my $Curdir = File::Spec->curdir;
                    ? File::Spec->catdir($Curdir, 'lib', 'sample-tests')
                    : File::Spec->catdir($Curdir, 't',   'sample-tests');

my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps' );
$strap->{callback} = sub {
    my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
    push @out, $type;

for my $test ( sort keys %samples ) {
    my $expect = $samples{$test};

    local @out = ();
    $strap->analyze_file(File::Spec->catfile($SAMPLE_TESTS, $test));

    is_deeply(\@out, $expect,   "$test callback");

--- NEW FILE: inc_taint.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use Test::Harness;
use Test::More tests => 1;
use Dev::Null;

push @INC, 'we_added_this_lib';

tie *NULL, 'Dev::Null' or die $!;
select NULL;
my($tot, $failed) = Test::Harness::_run_all_tests(
    ? 'lib/sample-tests/inc_taint'
    : 't/sample-tests/inc_taint'
select STDOUT;

ok( Test::Harness::_all_ok($tot), 'tests with taint on preserve @INC' );

--- NEW FILE: version.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;

use Test::More tests => 3;


my $ver = $ENV{HARNESS_VERSION} or die "HARNESS_VERSION not set";
like( $ver, qr/^2.\d\d(_\d\d)?$/, "Version is proper format" );
is( $ver, $Test::Harness::VERSION );

--- NEW FILE: strap-analyze.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;
use Test::More;
use File::Spec;

my $Curdir = File::Spec->curdir;
                    ? File::Spec->catdir($Curdir, 'lib', 'sample-tests')
                    : File::Spec->catdir($Curdir, 't',   'sample-tests');

my $IsMacPerl = $^O eq 'MacOS';
my $IsVMS     = $^O eq 'VMS';

# VMS uses native, not POSIX, exit codes.
my $die_exit = $IsVMS ? 44 : 1;

# We can only predict that the wait status should be zero or not.
my $wait_non_zero = 1;

my %samples = (
    bignum => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 2,
        ok => 4,
        passing => 0,
        seen => 4,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    combined => {
        bonus => 1,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                name => "basset hounds got long ears",
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 0,
                name => "all hell broke lose",
                ok => 0
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1,
                type => "todo"
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1,
                reason => "contract negociations",
                type => "skip"
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 0,
                ok => 0
                actual_ok => 0,
                ok => 1,
                type => "todo"
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 10,
        ok => 8,
        passing => 0,
        seen => 10,
        skip => 1,
        todo => 2,
        'wait' => 0
    descriptive => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                name => "Interlock activated",
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                name => "Megathrusters are go",
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                name => "Head formed",
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                name => "Blazing sword formed",
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                name => "Robeast destroyed",
                ok => 1
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 5,
        ok => 5,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 5,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    'die' => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [],
        'exit' => $die_exit,
        max => 0,
        ok => 0,
        passing => 0,
        seen => 0,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => $wait_non_zero
    die_head_end => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
            }) x 4,
        'exit' => $die_exit,
        max => 0,
        ok => 4,
        passing => 0,
        seen => 4,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => $wait_non_zero
    die_last_minute => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
            }) x 4,
        'exit' => $die_exit,
        max => 4,
        ok => 4,
        passing => 0,
        seen => 4,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => $wait_non_zero
    duplicates => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
            }) x 10,
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 10,
        ok => 11,
        passing => 0,
        seen => 11,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    head_end => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
            }) x 3,
                actual_ok => 1,
                diagnostics => "comment\nmore ignored stuff\nand yet more\n",
                ok => 1
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 4,
        ok => 4,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 4,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    head_fail => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 0,
                ok => 0
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                diagnostics => "comment\nmore ignored stuff\nand yet more\n",
                ok => 1
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 4,
        ok => 3,
        passing => 0,
        seen => 4,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    lone_not_bug => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
            }) x 4,
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 4,
        ok => 4,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 4,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    no_output => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [],
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 0,
        ok => 0,
        passing => 0,
        seen => 0,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    shbang_misparse => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
            }) x 2,
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 2,
        ok => 2,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 2,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    simple => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
            }) x 5,
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 5,
        ok => 5,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 5,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    simple_fail => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 0,
                ok => 0
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 0,
                ok => 0
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 5,
        ok => 3,
        passing => 0,
        seen => 5,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    skip => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1,
                reason => "rain delay",
                type => "skip"
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
            }) x 3,
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 5,
        ok => 5,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 5,
        skip => 1,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    skip_nomsg => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1,
                reason => "",
                type => "skip"
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 1,
        ok => 1,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 1,
        skip => 1,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    skipall => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [],
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 0,
        ok => 0,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 0,
        skip => 0,
        skip_all => "rope",
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    skipall_nomsg => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [],
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 0,
        ok => 0,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 0,
        skip => 0,
        skip_all => "",
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    taint => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                name => "-T honored",
                ok => 1
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 1,
        ok => 1,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 1,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    todo => {
        bonus => 1,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1,
                type => "todo"
                actual_ok => 0,
                ok => 1,
                type => "todo"
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
            }) x 2,
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 5,
        ok => 5,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 5,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 2,
        'wait' => 0
    vms_nit => {
        bonus => 0,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 0,
                ok => 0
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 2,
        ok => 1,
        passing => 0,
        seen => 2,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 0,
        'wait' => 0
    with_comments => {
        bonus => 2,
        details => [
                actual_ok => 0,
                diagnostics => "Failed test 1 in t/todo.t at line 9 *TODO*\n",
                ok => 1,
                type => "todo"
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1,
                reason => "at line 10 TODO?!)",
                type => "todo"
                actual_ok => 1,
                ok => 1
                actual_ok => 0,
                diagnostics => "Test 4 got: '0' (t/todo.t at line 12 *TODO*)\n  Expected: '1' (need more tuits)\n",
                ok => 1,
                type => "todo"
                actual_ok => 1,
                diagnostics => "woo\n",
                ok => 1,
                reason => "at line 13 TODO?!)",
                type => "todo"
        'exit' => 0,
        max => 5,
        ok => 5,
        passing => 1,
        seen => 5,
        skip => 0,
        todo => 4,
        'wait' => 0
plan tests => (keys(%samples) * 5) + 3;

use Test::Harness::Straps;
my @_INC = map { qq{"-I$_"} } @INC;
$Test::Harness::Switches = "@_INC -Mstrict";

$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { 
    warn @_ unless $_[0] =~ /^Enormous test number/ ||
                   $_[0] =~ /^Can't detailize/

for my $test ( sort keys %samples ) {
    print "# Working on $test\n";
    my $expect = $samples{$test};

    for my $n ( 0..$#{$expect->{details}} ) {
        for my $field ( qw( type name reason ) ) {
            $expect->{details}[$n]{$field} = '' unless exists $expect->{details}[$n]{$field};

    my $test_path = File::Spec->catfile($SAMPLE_TESTS, $test);
    my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
    isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps' );
    my %results = $strap->analyze_file($test_path);

    is_deeply($results{details}, $expect->{details}, qq{details of "$test"} );

    delete $expect->{details};
    delete $results{details};

    SKIP: {
        skip '$? unreliable in MacPerl', 2 if $IsMacPerl;

        # We can only check if it's zero or non-zero.
        is( !!$results{'wait'}, !!$expect->{'wait'}, 'wait status' );
        delete $results{'wait'};
        delete $expect->{'wait'};

        # Have to check the exit status seperately so we can skip it
        # in MacPerl.
        is( $results{'exit'}, $expect->{'exit'} );
        delete $results{'exit'};
        delete $expect->{'exit'};

    is_deeply(\%results, $expect, qq{ the rest of "$test"} );
} # for %samples

    my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
    isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps' );
    ok( !$strap->analyze_file('I_dont_exist') );
    is( $strap->{error}, "I_dont_exist does not exist" );

--- NEW FILE: prove-globbing.t ---
    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;
use File::Spec;
use Test::More;
plan skip_all => "Not adapted to perl core" if $ENV{PERL_CORE};
plan skip_all => "Not installing prove" if -e "t/SKIP-PROVE";

plan tests => 1;

my $prove = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->curdir, "blib", "script", "prove" );
my $tests = File::Spec->catfile( 't', 'prove*.t' );

    my @actual = sort qx/$prove --dry $tests/;
    chomp @actual;

    my @expected = (
        File::Spec->catfile( "t", "prove-globbing.t" ),
        File::Spec->catfile( "t", "prove-switches.t" ),
    is_deeply( \@actual, \@expected, "Expands the wildcards" );

--- NEW FILE: base.t ---
    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = '../lib';

print "1..1\n";

unless (eval 'require Test::Harness') {
  print "not ok 1\n";
} else {
  print "ok 1\n";

--- NEW FILE: point.t ---
#!perl -Tw

    if ( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 11;

    use_ok( 'Test::Harness::Point' );

my $point = Test::Harness::Point->new;
isa_ok( $point, 'Test::Harness::Point' );
ok( !$point->ok, "Should start out not OK" );

$point->set_ok( 1 );
ok( $point->ok, "should have turned to true" );

$point->set_ok( 0 );
ok( !$point->ok, "should have turned false" );

$point->set_number( 2112 );
is( $point->number, 2112, "Number is set" );

$point->set_description( "Blah blah" );
is( $point->description, "Blah blah", "Description set" );

$point->set_directive( "Go now" );
is( $point->directive, "Go now", "Directive set" );

$point->add_diagnostic( "# Line 1" );
$point->add_diagnostic( "# Line two" );
$point->add_diagnostic( "# Third line" );
my @diags = $point->diagnostics;
is( @diags, 3, "Three lines" );
    [ "# Line 1", "# Line two", "# Third line" ],
    "Diagnostics in list context"

my $diagstr = <<EOF;
# Line 1
# Line two
# Third line

chomp $diagstr;
my $string_diagnostics = $point->diagnostics;
is( $string_diagnostics, $diagstr, "Diagnostics in scalar context" );

--- NEW FILE: 00compile.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

    if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = '../lib';
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use Test::More tests => 6;

BEGIN { use_ok 'Test::Harness' }
BEGIN { diag( "Testing Test::Harness $Test::Harness::VERSION under Perl $] and Test::More $Test::More::VERSION" ) unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}}

BEGIN { use_ok 'Test::Harness::Straps' }

BEGIN { use_ok 'Test::Harness::Iterator' }

BEGIN { use_ok 'Test::Harness::Assert' }

BEGIN { use_ok 'Test::Harness::Point' }

# If the $VERSION is set improperly, this will spew big warnings.
BEGIN { use_ok 'Test::Harness', 1.1601 }

--- NEW FILE: nonumbers.t ---
    print "1..0 # Skip: t/TEST needs numbers\n";

print <<END;

--- NEW FILE: assert.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;

use Test::More tests => 7;

BEGIN { use_ok( 'Test::Harness::Assert' ); }

ok( defined &assert,                'assert() exported' );

ok( !eval { assert( 0 ); 1 },       'assert( FALSE ) causes death' );
like( $@, '/Assert failed/',        '  with the right message' );

ok( eval { assert( 1 );  1 },       'assert( TRUE ) does nothing' );

ok( !eval { assert( 0, 'some name' ); 1 },  'assert( FALSE, NAME )' );
like( $@, '/some name/',                    '  has the name' );

--- NEW FILE: prove-switches.t ---
    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;
use File::Spec;
use Test::More;
plan skip_all => "Not adapted to perl core" if $ENV{PERL_CORE};
plan skip_all => "Not installing prove" if -e "t/SKIP-PROVE";

# Work around a Cygwin bug.  Remove this if Perl bug 30952 ever gets fixed.
# http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=30952.
plan skip_all => "Skipping because of a Cygwin bug" if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i );

plan tests => 5;

my $blib = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->curdir, "blib" );
my $blib_lib = File::Spec->catfile( $blib, "lib" );
my $blib_arch = File::Spec->catfile( $blib, "arch" );
my $prove = File::Spec->catfile( $blib, "script", "prove" );

    local $/ = undef;

    my @actual = qx/$prove -Ifirst -D -I second -Ithird -Tvdb/;
    my @expected = ( "# \$Test::Harness::Switches: -T -I$blib_arch -I$blib_lib -Ifirst -Isecond -Ithird\n" );
    is_deeply( \@actual, \@expected, "Capital taint flags OK" );

    local $/ = undef;

    my @actual = qx/$prove -dD -Ifirst -I second -t -Ithird -vb/;
    my @expected = ( "# \$Test::Harness::Switches: -t -I$blib_arch -I$blib_lib -Ifirst -Isecond -Ithird\n" );
    is_deeply( \@actual, \@expected, "Lowercase taint OK" );

    local $ENV{PROVE_SWITCHES} = "-dvb -I fark";
    local $/ = undef;

    my @actual = qx/$prove -Ibork -Dd/;
    my @expected = ( "# \$Test::Harness::Switches: -I$blib_arch -I$blib_lib -Ifark -Ibork\n" );
    is_deeply( \@actual, \@expected, "PROVE_SWITCHES OK" );

    local $/ = undef;

    my @actual = qx/$prove -l -Ibongo -Dd/;
    my @expected = ( "# \$Test::Harness::Switches: -Ilib -Ibongo\n" );
    is_deeply( \@actual, \@expected, "PROVE_SWITCHES OK" );

    local $/ = undef;

    my @actual = qx/$prove -lb -Dd/;
    my @expected = ( "# \$Test::Harness::Switches: -Ilib -I$blib_arch -I$blib_lib\n" );
    is_deeply( \@actual, \@expected, "PROVE_SWITCHES OK" );

--- NEW FILE: test-harness.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;
use File::Spec;

my $Curdir = File::Spec->curdir;
                    ? File::Spec->catdir($Curdir, 'lib', 'sample-tests')
                    : File::Spec->catdir($Curdir, 't',   'sample-tests');

use Test::More;
use Dev::Null;

my $IsMacPerl = $^O eq 'MacOS';
my $IsVMS     = $^O eq 'VMS';

# VMS uses native, not POSIX, exit codes.
# MacPerl's exit codes are broken.
my $die_estat = $IsVMS     ? 44 : 
                $IsMacPerl ? 0  :

my %samples = (
            simple            => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 5,
                                            'ok'       => 5,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            simple_fail      => {
                                 total => {
                                           bonus       => 0,
                                           max         => 5,
                                           'ok'        => 3,
                                           files       => 1,
                                           bad         => 1,
                                           good        => 0,
                                           tests       => 1,
                                           sub_skipped => 0,
                                           'todo'      => 0,
                                           skipped     => 0,
                                 failed => {
                                            canon      => '2 5',
                                 all_ok => 0,
            descriptive       => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 5,
                                            'ok'       => 5,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            no_nums           => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 5,
                                            'ok'       => 4,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 1,
                                            good       => 0,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => {
                                             canon     => '3',
                                  all_ok => 0,
            'todo'            => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 1,
                                            max        => 5,
                                            'ok'       => 5,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 2,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            todo_inline       => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus       => 1,
                                            max         => 3,
                                            'ok'        => 3,
                                            files       => 1,
                                            bad         => 0,
                                            good        => 1,
                                            tests       => 1,
                                            sub_skipped => 0,
                                            'todo'      => 2,
                                            skipped     => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            'skip'            => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 5,
                                            'ok'       => 5,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 1,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            'skip_nomsg'      => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 1,
                                            'ok'       => 1,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 1,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            bailout           => 0,
            combined          => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 1,
                                            max        => 10,
                                            'ok'       => 8,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 1,
                                            good       => 0,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 1,
                                            'todo'     => 2,
                                            skipped    => 0
                                  failed => {
                                             canon     => '3 9',
                                  all_ok => 0,
            duplicates        => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 10,
                                            'ok'       => 11,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 1,
                                            good       => 0,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => {
                                             canon     => '??',
                                  all_ok => 0,
            head_end          => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 4,
                                            'ok'       => 4,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            head_fail         => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 4,
                                            'ok'       => 3,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 1,
                                            good       => 0,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => {
                                             canon      => '2',
                                  all_ok => 0,
            no_output        => {
                                 total => {
                                           bonus       => 0,
                                           max         => 0,
                                           'ok'        => 0,
                                           files       => 1,
                                           bad         => 1,
                                           good        => 0,
                                           tests       => 1,
                                           sub_skipped => 0,
                                           'todo'      => 0,
                                           skipped     => 0,
                                 failed => {
                                 all_ok => 0,
            skipall          => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 0,
                                            'ok'       => 0,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 1,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            skipall_nomsg   => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 0,
                                            'ok'       => 0,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 1,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            with_comments     => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 2,
                                            max        => 5,
                                            'ok'       => 5,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 4,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            taint             => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 1,
                                            'ok'       => 1,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,

            taint_warn        => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 1,
                                            'ok'       => 1,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,

            'die'             => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 0,
                                            'ok'       => 0,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 1,
                                            good       => 0,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => {
                                             estat      => $die_estat,
                                             max        => '??',
                                             failed     => '??',
                                             canon      => '??',
                                  all_ok => 0,

            die_head_end      => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 0,
                                            'ok'       => 4,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 1,
                                            good       => 0,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => {
                                             estat      => $die_estat,
                                             max        => '??',
                                             failed     => '??',
                                             canon      => '??',
                                  all_ok => 0,

            die_last_minute   => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 4,
                                            'ok'       => 4,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 1,
                                            good       => 0,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => {
                                             estat      => $die_estat,
                                             max        => 4,
                                             failed     => 0,
                                             canon      => '??',
                                  all_ok => 0,
            bignum            => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 2,
                                            'ok'       => 4,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 1,
                                            good       => 0,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => {
                                             canon      => '??',
                                  all_ok => 0,
            bignum_many       => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 2,
                                            'ok'       => 11,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 1,
                                            good       => 0,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => {
                                             canon      => '3-100000',
                                  all_ok => 0,
            'shbang_misparse' => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 2,
                                            'ok'       => 2,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,
            too_many         => {
                                 total => {
                                           bonus       => 0,
                                           max         => 3,
                                           'ok'        => 7,
                                           files       => 1,
                                           bad         => 1,
                                           good        => 0,
                                           tests       => 1,
                                           sub_skipped => 0,
                                           'todo'      => 0,
                                           skipped     => 0,
                                 failed => {
                                            canon      => '4-7',
                                 all_ok => 0,
            switches         => {
                                  total => {
                                            bonus      => 0,
                                            max        => 1,
                                            'ok'       => 1,
                                            files      => 1,
                                            bad        => 0,
                                            good       => 1,
                                            tests      => 1,
                                            sub_skipped=> 0,
                                            'todo'     => 0,
                                            skipped    => 0,
                                  failed => { },
                                  all_ok => 1,

plan tests => (keys(%samples) * 7);

use Test::Harness;
my @_INC = map { qq{"-I$_"} } @INC;
$Test::Harness::Switches = "@_INC -Mstrict";

tie *NULL, 'Dev::Null' or die $!;

for my $test ( sort keys %samples ) {
    skip "-t introduced in 5.8.0", 7 if $test eq 'taint_warn' and $] < 5.008;

    my $expect = $samples{$test};

    # _run_all_tests() runs the tests but skips the formatting.
    my($totals, $failed);
    my $warning = '';
    my $test_path = File::Spec->catfile($SAMPLE_TESTS, $test);

    print STDERR "# $test\n" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
    eval {
        select NULL;    # _run_all_tests() isn't as quiet as it should be.
        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning .= join '', @_; };
        ($totals, $failed) = 
    select STDOUT;

    # $? is unreliable in MacPerl, so we'll just fudge it.
    $failed->{estat} = $die_estat if $IsMacPerl and $failed;

    SKIP: {
        skip "special tests for bailout", 1 unless $test eq 'bailout';
        like( $@, '/Further testing stopped: GERONI/i' );

    SKIP: {
        skip "don't apply to a bailout", 5 if $test eq 'bailout';
        is( $@, '' );
        is( Test::Harness::_all_ok($totals), $expect->{all_ok},
                                                  "$test - all ok" );
        ok( defined $expect->{total},             "$test - has total" );
        is_deeply( {map { $_=>$totals->{$_} } keys %{$expect->{total}}},
                                                  "$test - totals" );
        is_deeply( {map { $_=>$failed->{$test_path}{$_} }
                    keys %{$expect->{failed}}},
                                                  "$test - failed" );

    my $expected_warnings = "";
    if ( $test eq "bignum" ) {
        $expected_warnings = <<WARN;
Enormous test number seen [test 136211425]
Can't detailize, too big.
    elsif ( $test eq 'bignum_many' ) {
        $expected_warnings = <<WARN;
Enormous test number seen [test 100001]
Can't detailize, too big.
    my $desc = $expected_warnings ? 'Got proper warnings' : 'No warnings';
    is( $warning, $expected_warnings, "$test - $desc" );
} # taint SKIP block
} # for tests

--- NEW FILE: from_line.t ---
#!perl -Tw

    if ( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = '../lib';
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 23;

    use_ok( 'Test::Harness::Point' );

    my $line = "ok 14 - Blah blah";
    my $point = Test::Harness::Point->from_test_line( $line );
    isa_ok( $point, 'Test::Harness::Point', 'BASIC_OK' );
    is( $point->number, 14 );
    ok( $point->ok );
    is( $point->description, 'Blah blah' );

    my $line = "not ok 267   Yada";
    my $point = Test::Harness::Point->from_test_line( $line );
    isa_ok( $point, 'Test::Harness::Point', 'BASIC_NOT_OK' );
    is( $point->number, 267 );
    ok( !$point->ok );
    is( $point->description, 'Yada' );

    my $point = Test::Harness::Point->from_test_line( 'ok14 - Blah' );
    ok( !defined $point, 'CRAP 1' );

    $point = Test::Harness::Point->from_test_line( 'notok 14' );
    ok( !defined $point, 'CRAP 2' );

    my $point = Test::Harness::Point->from_test_line( 'not ok 14 - Calculate sqrt(-1) # TODO Still too rational' );
    isa_ok( $point, 'Test::Harness::Point', 'PARSE_TODO' );
    is( $point->description, 'Calculate sqrt(-1)' );
    is( $point->directive_type, 'todo' );
    is( $point->directive_reason, 'Still too rational' );
    ok( !$point->is_skip );
    ok( $point->is_todo );

    my $point = Test::Harness::Point->from_test_line( 'ok 14 # skip Not on bucket #6' );
    isa_ok( $point, 'Test::Harness::Point', 'PARSE_SKIP' );
    is( $point->description, '' );
    is( $point->directive_type, 'skip' );
    is( $point->directive_reason, 'Not on bucket #6' );
    ok( $point->is_skip );
    ok( !$point->is_todo );

--- NEW FILE: pod.t ---
    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use Test::More;
eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;

--- NEW FILE: point-parse.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

    if ( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;

use Test::More tests => 52;

    use_ok( 'Test::Harness::Point' );
    use_ok( 'Test::Harness::Straps' );

my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
isa_ok( $strap, 'Test::Harness::Straps', 'new()' );

my $testlines = {
    'not ok' => {
        ok => 0
    'not ok # TODO' => {
        ok => 0,
        reason => '',
        type => 'todo'
    'not ok 1' => {
        number => 1,
        ok => 0
    'not ok 11 - this is \\# all the name # skip this is not' => {
        description => 'this is \\# all the name',
        number => 11,
        ok => 0,
        reason => 'this is not',
        type => 'skip'
    'not ok 23 # TODO world peace' => {
        number => 23,
        ok => 0,
        reason => 'world peace',
        type => 'todo'
    'not ok 42 - universal constant' => {
        description => 'universal constant',
        number => 42,
        ok => 0
    ok => {
        ok => 1
    'ok # skip' => {
        ok => 1,
        type => 'skip'
    'ok 1' => {
        number => 1,
        ok => 1
    'ok 1066 - and all that' => {
        description => 'and all that',
        number => 1066,
        ok => 1
    'ok 11 - have life # TODO get a life' => {
        description => 'have life',
        number => 11,
        ok => 1,
        reason => 'get a life',
        type => 'todo'
    'ok 2938' => {
        number => 2938,
        ok => 1
    'ok 42 - _is_header() is a header \'1..192 todo 4 2 13 192 \\# Skip skip skip because' => {
        description => '_is_header() is a header \'1..192 todo 4 2 13 192 \\# Skip skip skip because',
        number => 42,
        ok => 1
my @untests = (
               ' ok',
               'okay 23',

for my $line ( sort keys %$testlines ) {
    my $point = Test::Harness::Point->from_test_line( $line );
    isa_ok( $point, 'Test::Harness::Point' );

    my $fields = $testlines->{$line};
    for my $property ( sort keys %$fields ) {
        my $value = $fields->{$property};
        is( eval "\$point->$property", $value, "$property on $line" );
        # Perls pre-5.6 can't handle $point->$property, and must be eval()d

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