dslinux/user/perl/lib/Net/t config.t datasend.t ftp.t hostname.t libnet_t.pl netrc.t nntp.t require.t smtp.t time.t

cayenne dslinux_cayenne at user.in-berlin.de
Mon Dec 4 18:00:54 CET 2006

Update of /cvsroot/dslinux/dslinux/user/perl/lib/Net/t
In directory antilope:/tmp/cvs-serv17422/lib/Net/t

Added Files:
	config.t datasend.t ftp.t hostname.t libnet_t.pl netrc.t 
	nntp.t require.t smtp.t time.t 
Log Message:
Adding fresh perl source to HEAD to branch from

--- NEW FILE: nntp.t ---
#!./perl -w

    unless (-d 'blib') {
	chdir 't' if -d 't';
	@INC = '../lib';
    if (!eval "require Socket") {
	print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0;
    if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval "require Convert::EBCDIC") {
        print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0;

use Net::Config;
use Net::NNTP;
use Net::Cmd qw(CMD_REJECT);

unless(@{$NetConfig{nntp_hosts}} && $NetConfig{test_hosts}) {
    print "1..0\n";

print "1..4\n";

my $i = 1;

$nntp = Net::NNTP->new(Debug => 0)
	or (print("not ok 1\n"), exit);

print "ok 1\n";

my $grp;
foreach $grp (qw(test alt.test control news.announce.newusers)) {
    @grp = $nntp->group($grp);
    last if @grp;

if($nntp->status == CMD_REJECT) {
    # Command was rejected, probably because we need authinfo
    map { print "ok ",$_,"\n" } 2,3,4;

print "not " unless @grp;
print "ok 2\n";

if(@grp && $grp[2] > $grp[1]) {
    $nntp->head($grp[1]) or print "not ";
print "ok 3\n";

if(@grp) {
    $nntp->quit or print "not ";
print "ok 4\n";

--- NEW FILE: require.t ---
#!./perl -w

    unless (-d 'blib') {
	chdir 't' if -d 't';
	@INC = '../lib';
    if (!eval "require Socket") {
	print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0;
    if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval "require Convert::EBCDIC") {
        print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0;

print "1..9\n";
my $i = 1;
eval { require Net::Config; } || print "not "; print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
eval { require Net::Domain; } || print "not "; print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
eval { require Net::Cmd; }    || print "not "; print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
eval { require Net::Netrc; }  || print "not "; print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
eval { require Net::FTP; }    || print "not "; print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
eval { require Net::SMTP; }   || print "not "; print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
eval { require Net::NNTP; }   || print "not "; print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
eval { require Net::POP3; }   || print "not "; print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
eval { require Net::Time; }   || print "not "; print "ok ",$i++,"\n";

--- NEW FILE: ftp.t ---
#!./perl -w

    unless (-d 'blib') {
	chdir 't' if -d 't';
	@INC = '../lib';
    if (!eval "require Socket") {
	print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0;
    if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval "require Convert::EBCDIC") {
        print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0;

use Net::Config;
use Net::FTP;

unless(defined($NetConfig{ftp_testhost}) && $NetConfig{test_hosts}) {
    print "1..0\n";
    exit 0;

my $t = 1;
print "1..7\n";

$ftp = Net::FTP->new($NetConfig{ftp_testhost})
	or (print("not ok 1\n"), exit);

printf "ok %d\n",$t++;

$ftp->login('anonymous') or die($ftp->message . "\n");
printf "ok %d\n",$t++;

$ftp->pwd  or do {
  print STDERR $ftp->message,"\n";
  print "not ";

printf "ok %d\n",$t++;

$ftp->cwd('/pub') or do {
  print STDERR $ftp->message,"\n";
  print "not ";

if ($data = $ftp->stor('libnet.tst')) {
  my $text = "abc\ndef\nqwe\n";
  printf "ok %d\n",$t++;
  $data->write($text,length $text);
  $data = $ftp->retr('libnet.tst');
  $data->read($buf,length $text);
  print "not " unless $text eq $buf;
  printf "ok %d\n",$t++;
  $ftp->delete('libnet.tst') or print "not ";
  printf "ok %d\n",$t++;
else {
  print "# ",$ftp->message,"\n";
  printf "ok %d\n",$t++;
  printf "ok %d\n",$t++;
  printf "ok %d\n",$t++;

$ftp->quit  or do {
  print STDERR $ftp->message,"\n";
  print "not ";

printf "ok %d\n",$t++;

--- NEW FILE: hostname.t ---
#!./perl -w

    unless (-d 'blib') {
	chdir 't' if -d 't';
	@INC = '../lib';
    if (!eval "require Socket") {
	print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0;
    if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval "require Convert::EBCDIC") {
        print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0;

use Net::Domain qw(hostname domainname hostdomain);
use Net::Config;

unless($NetConfig{test_hosts}) {
    print "1..0\n";
    exit 0;

print "1..2\n";

$domain = domainname();

if(defined $domain && $domain ne "") {
 print "ok 1\n";
else {
 print "not ok 1\n";

# This checks thats hostanme does not overwrite $_
my @domain = qw(foo.example.com bar.example.jp);
my @copy = @domain;

my @dummy = grep { defined hostname() and hostname() eq $_ } @domain;

($domain[0] && $domain[0] eq $copy[0])
  ? print "ok 2\n"
  : print "not ok 2\n";

--- NEW FILE: smtp.t ---
#!./perl -w

    unless (-d 'blib') {
	chdir 't' if -d 't';
	@INC = '../lib';
    if (!eval "require Socket") {
	print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0;
    if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval "require Convert::EBCDIC") {
        print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0;

use Net::Config;
use Net::SMTP;

unless(@{$NetConfig{smtp_hosts}} && $NetConfig{test_hosts}) {
    print "1..0\n";
    exit 0;

print "1..3\n";

my $i = 1;

$smtp = Net::SMTP->new(Debug => 0)
	or (print("not ok 1\n"), exit);

print "ok 1\n";

$smtp->domain or print "not ";
print "ok 2\n";

$smtp->quit or print "not ";
print "ok 3\n";

--- NEW FILE: netrc.t ---

    if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
	chdir 't' if -d 't';
	@INC = '../lib';
    if (!eval "require Socket") {
	print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0;
    if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval "require Convert::EBCDIC") {
        print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0;

use strict;

use Cwd;
print "1..20\n";

# for testing _readrc
$ENV{HOME} = Cwd::cwd();

# avoid "used only once" warning
local (*CORE::GLOBAL::getpwuid, *CORE::GLOBAL::stat);

*CORE::GLOBAL::getpwuid = sub ($) {
	((undef) x 7, Cwd::cwd());

# for testing _readrc
my @stat;
*CORE::GLOBAL::stat = sub (*) {
	return @stat;

# for testing _readrc
$INC{'FileHandle.pm'} = 1;

(my $libnet_t = __FILE__) =~ s/\w+.t$/libnet_t.pl/;
require $libnet_t;

# now that the tricks are out of the way...
eval { require Net::Netrc; };
ok( !$@, 'should be able to require() Net::Netrc safely' );
ok( exists $INC{'Net/Netrc.pm'}, 'should be able to use Net::Netrc' );

	skip('incompatible stat() handling for OS', 4), next SKIP 
		if ($^O =~ /os2|win32|macos|cygwin/i or $] < 5.005);
	my $warn;
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
		$warn = shift;

	# add write access for group/other
	$stat[2] = 077;
	ok( !defined(Net::Netrc::_readrc()),
		'_readrc() should not read world-writable file' );
	ok( scalar($warn =~ /^Bad permissions:/),
		'... and should warn about it' );

	# the owner field should still not match
	$stat[2] = 0;

        if ($<) { 
          ok( !defined(Net::Netrc::_readrc()), 
              '_readrc() should not read file owned by someone else' ); 
          ok( scalar($warn =~ /^Not owner:/),
		'... and should warn about it' ); 
        } else { 
          skip("testing as root",2);

# this field must now match, to avoid the last-tested warning
$stat[4] = $<;

# this curious mix of spaces and quotes tests a regex at line 79 (version 2.11)
FileHandle::set_lines(split(/\n/, <<LINES));
macdef bar
login	baz
 machine "foo"
login	nigol "password" drowssap
machine foo "login"	l2
	password p2
account tnuocca
default	login "baz" password p2
default "login" baz password p3

# having set several lines and the uid, this should succeed
is( Net::Netrc::_readrc(), 1, '_readrc() should succeed now' );

# on 'foo', the login is 'nigol'
is( Net::Netrc->lookup('foo')->{login}, 'nigol', 
	'lookup() should find value by host name' );

# on 'foo' with login 'l2', the password is 'p2'
is( Net::Netrc->lookup('foo', 'l2')->{password}, 'p2',
	'lookup() should find value by hostname and login name' );

# the default password is 'p3', as later declarations have priority
is( Net::Netrc->lookup()->{password}, 'p3', 
	'lookup() should find default value' );

# lookup() ignores the login parameter when using default data
is( Net::Netrc->lookup('default', 'baz')->{password}, 'p3',
	'lookup() should ignore passed login when searching default' );

# lookup() goes to default data if hostname cannot be found in config data 
is( Net::Netrc->lookup('abadname')->{login}, 'baz',
	'lookup() should use default for unknown machine name' );

# now test these accessors
my $instance = bless({}, 'Net::Netrc');
for my $accessor (qw( login account password )) {
	is( $instance->$accessor(), undef, 
		"$accessor() should return undef if $accessor is not set" );
	$instance->{$accessor} = $accessor;
	is( $instance->$accessor(), $accessor,
		"$accessor() should return value when $accessor is set" );

# and the three-for-one accessor
is( scalar( () = $instance->lpa()), 3, 
	'lpa() should return login, password, account');
is( join(' ', $instance->lpa), 'login password account', 
	'lpa() should return appropriate values for l, p, and a' );

package FileHandle;

sub new {
	tie *FH, 'FileHandle', @_;
	bless \*FH, $_[0];

	my ($class, $file, $mode) = @_[0,2,3];
	bless({ file => $file, mode => $mode }, $class);

my @lines;
sub set_lines {
	@lines = @_;

	shift @lines;

sub close { 1 }

--- NEW FILE: datasend.t ---
#!./perl -w

  package Foo;

  use IO::File;
  use Net::Cmd;
  @ISA = qw(Net::Cmd IO::File);

  sub timeout { 0 }

  sub new {
    my $fh = shift->new_tmpfile;

  sub output {
    my $self = shift;
    local $/ = undef;

  sub response {
    return Net::Cmd::CMD_OK;

(my $libnet_t = __FILE__) =~ s/datasend.t/libnet_t.pl/;
require $libnet_t or die;

print "1..51\n";

sub check {
  my $expect = pop;
  my $cmd = Foo->new;
  ok($cmd->datasend, 'datasend') unless @_;
  foreach my $line (@_) {
    ok($cmd->datasend($line), 'datasend');
  ok($cmd->dataend, 'dataend');

my $cmd;

  # nothing






























--- NEW FILE: time.t ---
#!./perl -w

    if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
	chdir 't' if -d 't';
	@INC = '../lib';
    if (!eval "require Socket") {
	print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0;
    if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval "require Convert::EBCDIC") {
	print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0;
    $INC{'IO/Socket.pm'} = 1;
    $INC{'IO/Select.pm'} = 1;
    $INC{'IO/Socket/INET.pm'} = 1;

(my $libnet_t = __FILE__) =~ s/time.t/libnet_t.pl/;
require $libnet_t;

print "1..12\n";
# cannot use(), otherwise it will use IO::Socket and IO::Select
eval{ require Net::Time; };
ok( !$@, 'should be able to require() Net::Time safely' );
ok( exists $INC{'Net/Time.pm'}, 'should be able to use Net::Time' );

# force the socket to fail
make_fail('IO::Socket::INET', 'new');
my $badsock = Net::Time::_socket('foo', 1, 'bar', 'baz');
is( $badsock, undef, '_socket() should fail if Socket creation fails' );

# if socket is created with protocol UDP (default), it will send a newline
my $sock = Net::Time::_socket('foo', 2, 'bar'); 
ok( $sock->isa('IO::Socket::INET'), 'should be an IO::Socket::INET object' );
is( $sock->{sent}, "\n", 'should send \n with UDP protocol set' );
is( $sock->{timeout}, 120, 'timeout should default to 120' );

# now try it with a custom timeout and a different protocol
$sock = Net::Time::_socket('foo', 3, 'bar', 'tcp', 11);
ok( $sock->isa('IO::Socket::INET'), 'should be an IO::Socket::INET object' );
is( $sock->{sent}, undef, '_socket() should send nothing unless UDP protocol' );
is( $sock->{PeerAddr}, 'bar', '_socket() should set PeerAddr in socket' );
is( $sock->{timeout}, 11, '_socket() should respect custom timeout value' );

# inet_daytime
# check for correct args (daytime, 13)
is( Net::Time::inet_daytime('bob'), 'z', 'inet_daytime() should receive data' );

# magic numbers defined in Net::Time
my $offset = $^O eq 'MacOS' ?
	(4 * 31536000) : (70 * 31536000 + 17 * 86400);

# check for correct args (time, 13)
# pretend it is only six seconds since the offset, create a fake message
# inet_time
IO::Socket::INET::set_message(pack("N", $offset + 6));
is( Net::Time::inet_time('foo'), 6, 
	'inet_time() should calculate time since offset for time()' );

my %fail;

sub make_fail {
	my ($pack, $func, $num) = @_;
	$num = 1 unless defined $num;

	$fail{$pack}{$func} = $num;

package IO::Socket::INET;

$fail{'IO::Socket::INET'} = {
	new		=> 0,
	'send'	=> 0,

sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	return if $fail{$class}{new} and $fail{$class}{new}--;
	bless( { @_ }, $class );

sub send {
	my $self = shift;
	my $class = ref($self);
	return if $fail{$class}{'send'} and $fail{$class}{'send'}--;
	$self->{sent} .= shift;

my $msg;
sub set_message {
	if (ref($_[0])) {
		$_[0]->{msg} = $_[1];
	} else {
		$msg = shift;

sub do_recv  {
	my ($len, $msg) = @_[1,2];
	$_[0] .= substr($msg, 0, $len);

sub recv {
	my ($self, $buf, $length, $flags) = @_;
	my $message = exists $self->{msg} ?
		$self->{msg} : $msg;

	if (defined($message)) {
		do_recv($_[1], $length, $message);

package IO::Select;

sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	return if defined $fail{$class}{new} and $fail{$class}{new}--;
	bless({sock => shift}, $class);

sub can_read {
	my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
	my $class = ref($self);
	return if defined $fail{$class}{can_read} and $fail{class}{can_read}--;
	$self->{sock}{timeout} = $timeout;


--- NEW FILE: libnet_t.pl ---

my $number = 0;
sub ok {
	my ($condition, $name) = @_;

	my $message = $condition ? "ok " : "not ok ";
	$message .= ++$number;
	$message .= " # $name" if defined $name;
	print $message, "\n";
	return $condition;

sub is {
	my ($got, $expected, $name) = @_;

	for ($got, $expected) {
		$_ = 'undef' unless defined $_;

	unless (ok($got eq $expected, $name)) {
		warn "Got: '$got'\nExpected: '$expected'\n" . join(' ', caller) . "\n";

sub skip {
	my ($reason, $num) = @_;
	$reason ||= '';
	$number ||= 1;

	for (1 .. $num) {
		print "ok $number # skip $reason\n";


--- NEW FILE: config.t ---
#!./perl -w

    if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
	chdir 't' if -d 't';
	@INC = '../lib';
    if (!eval "require Socket") {
	print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0;
    undef *{Socket::inet_aton};
    undef *{Socket::inet_ntoa};
    if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval "require Convert::EBCDIC") {
        print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0;
    $INC{'Socket.pm'} = 1;

package Socket;

sub import {
	my $pkg = caller();
	no strict 'refs';
	*{ $pkg . '::inet_aton' } = \&inet_aton;
	*{ $pkg . '::inet_ntoa' } = \&inet_ntoa;

my $fail = 0;
my %names;

sub set_fail {
	$fail = shift;

sub inet_aton {
	return if $fail;
	my $num = unpack('N', pack('C*', split(/\./, $_[0])));
	$names{$num} = $_[0];
	return $num;

sub inet_ntoa {
	return if $fail;
	return $names{$_[0]};

package main;

(my $libnet_t = __FILE__) =~ s/config.t/libnet_t.pl/;
require $libnet_t;

print "1..10\n";

use Net::Config;
ok( exists $INC{'Net/Config.pm'}, 'Net::Config should have been used' );
ok( keys %NetConfig, '%NetConfig should be imported' );

undef $NetConfig{'ftp_firewall'};
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(), 0, 
	'requires_firewall() should return 0 without ftp_firewall defined' );

$NetConfig{'ftp_firewall'} = 1;
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall('a.host.not.there'), -1,
	'... should return -1 without a valid hostname' );

delete $NetConfig{'local_netmask'};
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(''), 0,
	'... should return 0 without local_netmask defined' );

$NetConfig{'local_netmask'} = '';
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(''), 0,
	'... should return false if host is within netmask' );
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(''), 1,
	'... should return true if host is outside netmask' );

# now try more netmasks
$NetConfig{'local_netmask'} = [ '', '' ];
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(''), 0,
	'... should find success with mutiple local netmasks' );
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(''), 1,
	'... should handle failure with multiple local netmasks' );

is( \&Net::Config::is_external, \&Net::Config::requires_firewall,
	'is_external() should be an alias for requires_firewall()' );

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